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‘I’ve Lost Count’: Meet FBI Agent Who Doubles as Pastor and God Keeps Using to Turn Co-Workers to Christ

‘I’ve Lost Count’: Meet FBI Agent Who Doubles as Pastor and God Keeps Using to Turn Co-Workers to Christ
‘I’ve Lost Count’: Meet FBI Agent Who Doubles as Pastor and God Keeps Using to Turn Co-Workers to Christ

By Billy Hallowell


God’s callings can sometimes lead us to fascinating and unexpected places. Case-in-point: the story of Vic Carpenter, an FBI agent, and pastor who has perhaps one of the most intriguing dual careers imaginable.

Carpenter, who recently shared his story with Baptist Press, grew up in a Christian home and assumed he would “take the straightforward path” into ministry.

But God, instead, sent him on a journey to unexpected places — and the results have been incredible.

At first, everything seemed to be heading in the typical direction one goes when he seeks to become a lead pastor. Carpenter, a married father of four boys, worked in youth ministry and embarked on a journey to get his Ph.D.



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  1. Duncan Adams Duncan Adams March 30, 2022

    Well don’t know who or what position the converts hold in the FBI ….
    I would state this … IF … IF any of them are agents that have ARRESTING POWERS at min and I could make a case of following orders for the support staff .. but just the employees that have the power to arrest . They ain’t much a Christian ( of course in my observance most Christians are hypocrites .. but ) . If they turn to Christ and stay at the Bureau. They continue to ” lie”. They collect paycheck and pension and have taken an oath to the Constitution . The constitution does not allow for a National Police force .
    Go a head and take 15 min and look . If you find it i’ll give ya 100 bucks … and you won’t .

    Christians for cash . Gotta have the latter and I get it to a point . We are all slaves to the dollar and gotta eat . People that tell me Christ is first in their life and are like this … Keep it . You want people to join your club ? Not me . Not with people like this . Jesus may like ya. That don’t mean I have to .

    now there is a reason for this and it’s real simple
    There is an emotion that lives in the hearts of men stronger than the love or God or Jesus or the country .
    It’s the fear of poverty .

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