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Joe Biden Finally Acknowledges Seventh Grandchild



President Joe Biden on Friday finally acknowledged Navy Joan Roberts, his four-year-old granddaughter his son Hunter Biden fathered out-of-wedlock with former stripper Lunden Roberts.

Until now, both Biden and first lady Jill Biden ignored the existence of Navy Joan. While campaigning, Jill Biden said, “We have three children, and we have six grandchildren,” at a town hall event in April 2020, omitting Navy Joan.

In December 2021, the Biden family excluded their seventh grandchild from a Christmas celebration at the White House. The Biden family displayed six Christmas stockings for their grandchildren, omitting Navy Joan, while including one stocking for their dog.

In June 2022, Biden reportedly refused to provide security for his seventh grandchildren amid legal battles between Hunter Biden and Roberts.

As recently as this year, Biden continued to repeat the claim that he only had six grandchildren.

“I have six grandchildren. And I’m crazy about them. I speak to them every single day, not a joke,” Biden told children at a White House event in April…


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