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Joe Biden is neither the safe nor energetic executive the Constitution requires

 Adam Carrington

Is Joe Biden up to his job as president?

Many, including a significant portion of Democrats, continue to ask this question as the 2024 primary and general election approach. Some in the party might be willing to overlook concerns about Biden’s fitness because they agree with his policies. But the Constitution demands that we consider whether Biden, who just turned 80, can handle the responsibilities and challenges inherent to the executive office.

The American Founders would share this concern. Next week marks the 235th anniversary of the publication of the Federalist Papers, which focused mostly on the nature and needed qualities of the presidency. Federalist 70 , written by Alexander Hamilton, can help us today in understanding our constitutional presidency and the fitness it requires.

Federalist 70 declares the two qualities we most want in our chief executive. The first is “safety,” according to Hamilton. He recognized that many in the American republic would fear presidential power. Hamilton noted that some even claimed, “a vigorous Executive is inconsistent with the genius of republican government.” People, then and now, often equate executives with monarchy or even despotism.

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