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Joe Biden wins Wisconsin as Trump campaign calls for recount

With just a 20,000-vote margin and the Trump campaign demanding a recount, Wisconsin was called as a win for Joe Biden on Wednesday.

The unofficial triumph in America’s Dairyland delivers Biden another 10 electoral votes — with 270 needed to win the presidency — and steals a state that President Trump captured in 2016 and was holding out hope for this year.

The state was only called Wednesday afternoon, by both CNN and the Associated Press, with the outcome delayed in part due to tallying issues in Milwaukee County, which did not report until nearly 5 a.m.

Similar delays loomed large in two other make-or-break swing states, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Trump’s re-election campaign, however, has already signaled that it will demand a recount in the state.

The former vice president entered Election Day expected to snag Wisconsin, holding a 6.7 percentage-point lead in RealClearPolitics’ average of polls.

Enlarge ImageJoe Biden
Joe BidenDrew Angerer/Getty Images

Both candidates campaigned in Wisconsin in September, following a controversial police shooting in Kenosha that left a black man, Jacob Blake, paralyzed and sparked a wave of sometimes violent unrest.

Trump met with business owners in positioning himself as the law-and-order candidate, while Biden spoke via phone with Blake and talked race relations at a church.


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