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Judge Sullivan and Deep State Attorneys Argue Government can Continue to Charge You, Hide Evidence, Fine You and Bankrupt You AFTER Charges are Dropped

By Jim Hoft
Published June 12, 2020 at 10:07am

It is now clear that Barack Obama turned America into a Banana Republic.

On Tuesday General Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell informed Flynn’s supporters the oral argument in his ongoing case will be live-streamed on the DC Circuit YouTube channel.

The hearing took place at 9:30 AM Eastern Time on Friday morning, June 12, 2020.

** Here is a link to the DC Circuit YouTube page.

C-Span2 also live-streamed the hearings.

** You can donate to the General Flynn Defense Fund here.

During the hearing this morning Judge Wilkins brought up a hypothetical race case.
The Flynn case has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race!

This is the state of the judicial system in our nation’s capital.

After an hour-and-a-half it is now clear that the lawless deep state attorneys are arguing that the government has the right to target you, charge you, attack you, smear you, hide evidence from you, fine you, jail you and bankrupt you even AFTER all charges are dropped against you.

This is why you CAN NEVER vote for Democrats.
Today is another disgraceful day for the Democrat Party and Obama White House.

What is happening to our country?


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