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Kanye West: Republicans ‘freed the slaves’

– The Washington Times – Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Kanye West credited Republicans with ending slavery during his church service in Utah over the weekend.

“Abraham Lincoln was the Whig Party, that’s the Republican Party that freed the slaves,” the President Trump-supporting rapper told a crowd of thousands during his “Sunday Service” event on Saturday in Salt Lake City.

“That’s the Republican Party that freed the slaves,” Mr. West repeated.

“We got our own right to our opinions, right?” he continued. “They try to tell me because of my color who I’m supposed to pick as the president. ‘You’re black, so you can’t like Trump.’ I ain’t never made a decision only based off my color. That’s a form of slavery, mental slavery.

“All these mind controllers, the media, all of these mind controllers,” he said, Newsweek reported. “I find that wherever Christ is where I’ve got my mind at. We find that the love of Christ is where I’ve got my mind back.”


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