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Monarch Mind Control Programming


by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier


The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave


The formal Monarch Mind-Control project was developed from observations of high level Satanic families. These families had no qualms about the concept of traumatizing the fetus. Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. These were the ones that Aleister Crowley went to learn how to create Moon Children.[/pullquote]TABLE OF CONTENTS


The 12 Major Sciences of Monarch Mind Control

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

The Traumatization & Torture of the Victim


Chapter 3

The Use of Drugs

Chapter 4

The Use of Hypnosis


Chapter 5

The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

Chapter 6

The Use of Electricity & Electronics

Chapter 7

Engineering & Structuring Of An MPD System

Chapter 8

Body Manipulation & Programming

Chapter 9

Mind Manipulation by Psychological Programming Methods: Behavior Modification, Psychological Motivation & NLP

Chapter 10

Spiritual Control Techniques, Possession, Trances, Etc.

Chapter 11

Internal Controls

Chapter 12

External Controls

Appendix I:

Appendix II:

An Overview

For the Wary or Initiated, a Telling Sign: Monarch Slaves Sold Here


fbi-pedophile-symbols PDF

“In the general area of Las Vegas in remote sites, the elite gather for slave auctions once a year where Monarch slaves are sold and traded. One of the favorite slave auction sites was 20 miles out of Las Vegas and 10 miles off the main road into the site. The Mob is involved with Monarch slaves in Las Vegas. A blue-eyed 11 year old girl will go for $50,000. Toronto, Canada is another regular site for Monarch slave auctions.”

Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler


This mural, which ties in two powerful Illuminati themes from the Hollywood and music industry underbelly; the Eye of Horus and the Monarch Butterfly, was found in Las Vegas near a popular casino.

Celebrity Monarch Slaves

The Monarch-Illuminati theme certainly isn’t new. Here’s Janis Joplin atop a car rife with Illuminati Monarch slave symbolism.

TWILIGHTVAMPIRES NOT ALL “COOL”: A headline from The Daily Mail: “Teenager guilty of pensioner’s ‘vampire ritual’ killing.”

First Order of the Day: Let’s Make Blood Drinking Cool

So what do Satanists stand for? At the very least, the most common, and familiar activities involve pedophilia and devil worship, particularly demonic invocation and blood rituals. An explosion of recent Hollywood movies featuring attractive vampires as protagonists work at a more subconscious level, wittingly or unwittingly making the drinking of human blood acceptable or even fashionable. Why? Like vampires, Satanists actually do drink human blood in their rituals. Take this headline from The Daily Mail, for example: “Teenager guilty of pensioner’s ‘vampire ritual’ killing.” We read “A teenager was today found guilty of murdering his elderly neighbour and drinking her blood in a vampire ritual

“Theurgy is the skill or ability to invoke demons variously called angels of light, genii, spirits of various kinds, such as elemental spirits. Demons come with a price and that price is blood. Satanism and Luciferianism and other similar cults are blood cults that require blood to be sacrificed to pull in certain demons.”

Chapter 10 The 10th Science – Using Spiritual Things To Control A Person

“Thou maist know further, That those Souls do still love their relinquished Bodies after death, as it were a certain affinity alluring them; as are the Souls of noxious men, which have violently relinquished their Bodies, and Souls wanting a due burial, which do still wander in a liquid and turbulent Spirit about their dead carkasses; for these Souls by the known means by which heretofore they were conjoyned to their Bodies, by the like vapors, liquors, and favours, are easily drawn unto them.

Heinrich_Cornelius_Agrippa_von_Nettesheim“From hence it is, that the Souls of the dead are not to be called up without blood, or by the application of some part of their relict Body.

“In raising up these shadows, we are to perfume with new Blood, with the Bones of the dead, and with Flesh, Egges, Milk, Honey and Oile, and such-like things, which do attribute to the Souls a means apt to receive their Bodies.

Of Occult Philosophy, by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

“East Finchley swimming pool is amongst other meeting spots for Satanic peadophile ring. The members of the ring attend swimming sex sessions satanic ritual blood sacrifice. The ritual is permed in an upstairs room in McDonald’s on Mondays & Fridays. [redacted], boss of the McDonald’s (within the complex) allows the child sacrifice in the McDonald’s secret kitchen behind the mail one and is member of the cult. Human babies are prepared and cooked on the cookers and ovens.”

MI5 MP Pedophile Scandal Investigation leak: Anonymous Leaks Satanic Cult Member Names, Places, Phone #s

Feb 22, 2015

Crowley, Significance of Saturn, Blood Drinking and Baby Killing/Eating

“I think all children should be eaten at birth….


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