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MTG Is Not Working For MAGA, She’s Working For Someone Else

By L Todd Wood

I don’t look at what people say, I look at what people do, and the consequences of their actions.

The consequences of MTG’s recent actions have been quite dark.

For starters, she is part of the plan to get rid of MAGA’s elected representative in the Georgia GOP — Brian K. Pritchard.

Remember the convention? How supposedly happy everyone was that MAGA took #1, 2, and 3 slots in the Grand Ole Party?

Well, #1 has been shown to be a Kemp flunky, something we suspected all along.

The Georgia Record was instrumental in calling out the GA GOP leadership for trying to oust #3, David Cross, a while back.

Now, they are using the same tactics on #2 – BKP…with the same people, you might notice.

The recent uproar over BKP’s alleged voting irregularities, which Josh McKoon has known about since BKP entered party leadership, went literally international, aided by some influential ‘behind the scenes’ actors.

More on that issue in another article coming soon – we promise.

But seriously, why did a documentary producer in Delaware out the alleged porn texts that BKP supposedly sent to a young woman?

We have information at The Georgia Record that these texts have been passed around for over a year by GA GOP insiders. We knew about them a year ago ourselves. We did not publish, nor did anyone else, including the AJC, because they were inauthentic.

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