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New Year’s resolution or New Year’s revolution?

by David Ware


As I write these words, it’s still New Year’s Eve here in Hawaii as Washington DC and most of the rest of the world have already dispensed with the year 2020. But something is lighting up the horizon and I don’t mean the aerial fireworks displays.

Patriots and conservatives, but I repeat myself, are becoming increasingly frustrated. We have been told every day since the election that tomorrow will be the “big day” and everything will be set right. We are all sick and tired of daily empty rhetoric and the big daily let down.

We are being told to put our hopes on the Supreme Court to do what it did in the year 2000 to settle the election for George W. Bush over Al Gore. But anyone with common sense can see that is becoming increasingly unlikely as Chief Justice John Roberts has gone over to the dark side.

We are also being told that Vice President Mike Pence is going to do something absolutely world-shaking on January 6th and refuse to count the votes from contested states, lowering the denominator of total votes, and declaring President Trump (and himself) as being re-elected. As President of the Senate, he has the constitutional responsibility and right to do exactly that. But to say that his current silence on the issue is less than reassuring would be a gross understatement in a year of gross understatements.

There are millions of Americans from around the country who want to descend on Washington DC on January 6th to let members of Congress know how strongly we all feel about holding them to their constitutional oaths. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is showing that red stands not for the Republican Party but for Red China. Democrats in the District of Columbia are working to prevent us from gathering. They are closing down hotels, shutting down restaurants, removing toilets from public areas and possibly even stopping the Metro from running. This is nothing less than an unconstitutional plot to prevent our voices from being heard as the sequel to what they did on November 3rd in switching legal votes from Donald Trump into illegal votes for Joe Biden.


I have often cited Ephesians 6:12 as evidence that evil forces in high places are arrayed against the forces of good. That has never been more evident than it is as 2021 comes upon us without a promise of relief from the misery that 2020 brought. It looks like more of the same as Democrats double down in denying civil liberties rather than using common sense approaches to public safety.

As I hear fireworks going off in the distance, it is simply impossible to get into any spirit of celebration at the moment. Due to Hawaii’s location here in the mid-Pacific near the International Date Line, we are one of the last places on earth to enter the new year. 20 years ago, I actually ~ in an era when I still watched television ~ tuned in to Peter Jennings on ABC News as the New Year rolled around the globe seeing if Y2K would cause computers to all go berserk and shut down the world. Guess what, folks, that never happened. The impending disaster did not actually occur as seemed inevitable. That’s the lesson that we all need to learn now. Up until now, that has been one of the biggest non-events that I can recall in my more than seven decades on this planet. What did we actually do with all of that stored up bottled water, canned goods, batteries and what-have-you that we had hoarded for months if not years? It’s humorous in retrospect, but it seemed like a prudent thing to do at the time.

What that tells me is that there is a limit to human understanding. We cannot predict the future accurately. We sometimes misinterpret historical and current events as to their implications for the future. Submitted for your approval, which I say in my best Rod Serling voice since this definitely feels like the Twilight Zone, is the contention that we mortals are incapable of understanding the plan of our Immortal, Eternal and Infinite God.


I deeply appreciate my friend, our Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of NOQ Report, JD Rucker, for letting me vent sometimes and consistently reminding me that God is still in control. Of course, I do know that. But it helps to hear it anyway.

We do not need to understand God’s plan. We certainly do not know what He will do before He does it. Much less do we know how He will do it. Or when He will do it, for that matter. But we can remain confident that nothing will happen that God does not allow to happen and that nothing will not happen that God ordains will happen.

I recall in my Old Testament studies back in my college days that in ancient Israel, those who followed God’s commands implemented His plan and were rewarded for it. Those who did not respect God or follow His Divine plan were sometimes permitted to have power for a period of time, during which God’s Will was done in spite of them rather than because of them or through them. But they were not rewarded because God accomplished His Will even through their obstruction and disobedience. Rather they were punished for the evil in their hearts. But God has many ways of teaching lessons for His people. Sometimes we have to suffer under evil leaders until a righteous leader once again reigns.

These lessons of course do not apply only to ancient Israel or to modern Israel, which is also suffering political difficulties of their own with new elections scheduled in a few months. Benjamin Netanyahu may already be regretting his premature congratulations which he sent to Joe Biden. He certainly would not like Donald Trump who will still remain president to do the same to him when the time comes.

These lessons are for all of us. When our constitutional process breaks down due to corruption and the evil in the hearts of our elected and appointed authorities, then it is the responsibility of We the People to do that which is necessary to throw off the bonds of tyranny just as we did after our Declaration of Independence in 1776. The most overlooked factor in our current situation is the foreign interference in this election. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has defaulted on his responsibilities under President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order to submit an intel report on that very issue by December 18th. There is no public outcry. Nor is there any real awareness of what China and Iran and other countries have done, much less the threat they pose now and in the immediate future.


As a retired Federal Officer in a career with U.S. Customs [USCS/CBP], National Security is always very much on my mind. While most Americans have been preoccupied with events here on the domestic front, the United States in recent days has sent warships through the Taiwan Strait and to artificial islands in the South China Sea which the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army Navy has constructed and militarized, extending their hegemony and occupying territory claimed by their Southeast Asian neighbors.

Concurrently, the United States has sent B-52 bombers and other fighter aircraft along with aircraft carriers and other warships into the Persian Gulf as Israel has also sent submarines through the Suez Canal, with the permission of Egypt which controls that narrow passage into the Red Sea (as historically ironic as that may be) towards the direction of the Strait of Hormuz. This is another message to Iran which has been behind the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq recently and whose President Hassan Rouhani has threatened President Trump with the same fate as that of Saddam Hussein. It doesn’t get any more serious than that, folks. January 3, 2021, just a couple days from now, will be the first anniversary of the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, abruptly ending his reign of terror as head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force. Iran is also still sending ships across the Atlantic toward Venezuela which may contain missiles. The United States Southern Command remains on high alert to interdict any such activity.

It is absolutely no coincidence that China and Iran are the two primary culprits behind the theft of our recent presidential election. Xi Jinping and the CCP have made no secret of their open desire to install Joe Biden as their weak puppet and to overthrow the legal constitutional government of Donald Trump. But this isn’t just an empty threat. This is not mere words. This actually happened and is still going on.


We don’t know yet exactly who ordered all vote counting to stop at 4 a.m. on November 4th in several battleground states. Even with Joe Biden’s son Hunter being intricately and inextricably intertwined with the CCP, we don’t know at this point whether the so-called “big guy” was directly involved in this Act of War by a hostile power and treason by Americans. Even now, revelations are coming out about our 44th President Barack Hussein Obama II and support that was received during the Obama-Biden Administration by al Qaeda. Truthfully and honestly, the warning signs have been there for many years but our country ignored them to our own peril. Nobody would want to think that a President of the United States or putative President-Elect could be guilty of such anti-American animus. But, that is where we stand as this New Year 2021 comes upon us.


So, I ask you, I implore you, to urgently answer the question: “What are we going to do about it?” I’ve never been one for making frivolous New Year’s resolutions. But what we must now resolve to do is absolutely not frivolous. It is the most important thing we will ever decide in our entire existence. Our own futures and that of our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans, and indeed all people in other countries around the world, depend upon what We the People of the United States of America resolve to do. The next five days are crucial before Congress meets on January 6th.

Remember that it is the left who are attempting a coup to overthrow the government of the United States. As a Saul Alinsky tactic, they will accuse us of attempting a coup to cast the spotlight away from their own sedition. But don’t be distracted. Don’t be dissuaded. Now is the time in our lives when we are faced with a crisis such as we have never faced before.

I absolutely believe in and advocate non-violence. It is the Democrats who will resort to riots in the streets and civil disobedience when President Trump is declared the legitimate victor and is sworn in for a second term. Your mission, which is not a Mission Impossible, should you choose to accept it, is to ensure that everyone on Capitol Hill understands that you don’t just respectfully request, but that you absolutely demand, that they comply with their Oath under the United States Constitution on January 6th when the electoral votes are counted. That begins with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. As of this moment, only courageous conservative freshman Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri has had the courage as a sitting Senator to declare that he will contest the electoral slates which were illegally submitted to the Electoral College. I just now realized that December 31st is his 41st birthday. The only other probable Senator at this time who has indicated he will contest the election is Senator-Elect Tommy Tuberville of Alabama. Several other GOP Senators have not firmly made such a commitment including Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. None of them must allow Mitch McConnell to intimidate them. His days as either Senate Majority Leader or even Minority Leader are limited as he definitely needs to be replaced.


So, what we need to do is keep the pressure on all members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Unfortunately I have to write off all four members of our Hawaii Congressional Democrat Delegation to Washington DC. But those of you who have a Republican Senator from your state should be contacting him or her immediately. We should all make our concerns known to every member of Congress no matter where we live. If you can physically get to Washington DC on January 6th, all the better. But use every means possible to contact your Senators and Representative.

I don’t personally know if there will be a Mother Of All Bombshells that will drop at any moment. This is not like the big ball on Times Square. If God is going to spare America, He will do it by His own means in His own perfect timing. If He intends to teach America a lesson by letting us suffer under a Biden-Harris Administration, that is His Divine Right, just as He permitted ancient Israel to choose evil kings for the same didactic purpose. But, hopefully God will give us what we need and not just what we deserve. So, continue praying not that God will do this or that God will do that but rather that God’s Will be done. Whatever that may be.

Other than the joint session of Congress on January 6th, there are other dynamics that may yet impact this election in the immediate days ahead. Remember that as President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump has access to all information about foreign interference whether or not it has been publicized or even shared with Congress. He knows what our foreign enemies have done and what they are capable of. He certainly also understands why they are so eager for Joe Biden to become their manipulatable surrogate in the Oval Office. I don’t believe President Trump, as the patriot that he is, could sleep at night or live with himself if he allowed that to happen. This election isn’t just about Donald Trump or Joseph Biden. The outcome of this election is the difference between Freedom and Marxism.


America literally hangs in the balance. Therefore, my final appeal tonight when Hawaii finally joins the rest of the world in the year 2021 in a few hours, is that Donald Trump will play the trump card. Only he right now knows what that is.

Like I said, we are at the stage where there is only the choice between the proper New Year’s Resolution or a New Year’s Revolution. Let it be a resolution by the man in the Oval Office to preclude a bloody revolution that none of us wants. Our foreign enemies and domestic traitors seek that route if their election theft fails.

Remember that the Manhattan Project refers not to the location of Trump Tower but rather to the unthinkable becoming thinkable when President Harry S. Truman made what I would consider the most difficult decision an American President has ever had to make. That is, until now! President Truman did what had to be done to preserve victory in World War II and Donald Trump will do whatever has to be done to prevent World War III. That is not hyperbole. Pray for President Trump and pray for the United States of America!


God Alone is still in control of the universe which He created. He created us in His own image and He gave us a free will. We must freely trust His direction. You don’t need to understand how He navigates the perils along the tortuous highway.

I will leave you tonight with a personal anecdote from a long anticipated experience which my wife and I had in Alaska in the summer of 2019. We took the tour at Denali National Park. I thought it was good when I got in line early and secured the front seat nearest the driver for the best view. It was great when we went into the park and the mountain was on my side of the bus. But when we came back and there was a drop off of more than a thousand feet on a narrow one-lane dirt road just out my window, I kind of wished I wasn’t seeing everything the driver was seeing and trying emotionally to make sure his hands were steady on the wheel. I would have been better off just not to stare down those steep cliffs but rather to just relax, breathe deeply, and realize that I was not the driver of that Denali tour bus. In fact, it’s a good thing for me and everybody else on the bus that I was not the driver. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t be here writing these words at this moment. That’s how I feel now. I will do my part in this election to ensure victory for the legitimate winner, but God is at the wheel and He Alone will navigate the perilous road ahead and bring us safely to our destination.

Happy New Year 2021 through the Grace of Almighty God!

COVID-19 lockdowns are taking down an independent news outlet

Nobody said running a media site would be easy. We could use some help keeping this site afloat.

Colleagues have called me the worst fundraiser ever. My skills are squarely rooted on the journalistic side of running a news outlet. Paying the bills has never been my forte, but we’ve survived. We have ads on the site that help, but since the site’s inception this has been a labor of love that otherwise doesn’t bring in the level of revenue necessary to justify it.

When I left a nice, corporate career in 2017, I did so knowing I wouldn’t make nearly as much money. But what we do at NOQ Report to deliver the truth and fight the progressive mainstream media narrative that has plagued this nation is too important for me to sacrifice it for the sake of wealth. We know we’ll never make a ton of money this way, and we’re okay with that.

Things have become harder with the coronavirus lockdowns. Both ad money and donations that have kept us afloat for a while have dropped dramatically. We thought we could weather the storm, but the resurgence of lockdowns that mainstream media and Democrats are pushing has put our prospects in jeopardy. In short, we are now in desperate need of financial assistance.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $17,300 to stay afloat through March when we hope the economy will be more open, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. In November, 2020, we hit 1.2 million visitors.

We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.



01 Jan 2021 – Afternoon News

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