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New York City braces for influx of migrants as Title 42 expires


NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — The number of migrants trying to enter the United States could dramatically increase after Thursday night’s expiration of Title 42.

Officials are concerned that hundreds of migrants could arrive per day in New York City starting Friday, putting a strain on the already over-burdened shelter system.

Mayor Eric Adams has temporarily suspended parts of the city’s “Right to Shelter” law in response.

Under the executive order, the city is suspending rules that set a nightly deadline for newly arriving families to be placed in shelters, and that require families to be placed in private rooms with bathrooms and kitchens, not in group settings.

“Do you know last week we got 4,200 people? We are getting an average of 500 people a day and Title 42 is not lifted,” Adams said. “We could potentially get thousands of people a day in our city. This is just wrong.”

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