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‘No Holds Barred’! Trump Offers Biden a Fast Chance to Redeem Himself (Pass the Popcorn)

By Doug P. 


After the presidential debate late last month, we’ve already heard about the Team Biden excuses that Joe had jet lag exacerbated by a cold. Later Biden tried to explain to Democrat state governors why he’s not going to drop out, telling them he just needs more rest and “joking” about a brain that’s not firing on all cylinders.

The fresh spin from the White House and media that’s starting to circle the wagons again is that Biden’s fine to run for another term. And that’s fantastic! Which is why his opponent Donald Trump has offered Biden a new chance to prove that what was seen at the first debate was an anomaly and there’s no need to wait until the next scheduled debate in September to redeem himself:

Here’s the majority of Trump’s post:

I have the answer to the Crooked Joe Biden Incompetence Puzzle — Let’s do another Debate, but this time, no holds barred – An all on discussion, with just the two of us on stage, talking about the future of our Country. The ratings were massive for the First Debate, record setting, in fact, but this one, because of the format, would blow everything away! Let Joe explain why he wants Open Borders, with millions of people, and many violent criminals from parts unknown, pouring into our once great Nation, or why he wants Men Playing in Women’s Sports, or demand ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES within five years, or why he allowed INFLATION TO RUN RAMPANT, destroying the people of our country and so much more.

There was a little more, but Trump closed with “ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, ANYWHERE!” which basically mirrors Biden’s “bring it on pal” before the first debate, and, well, you know how that worked out for Joe…


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