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Oregon School Board Takes Fire for Banning Educators’ Political Imagery on Campus

By Scottie Barnes

As fights over ideology poison school board agendas around the country, the Newberg School Board, which recently adopted a policy prohibiting educators from displaying political or controversial symbols or imagery on school property, has been under siege since August.

The board has been threatened by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), admonished by state legislators and the Oregon State Board of Education (BOE), scrutinized by the community and national media, and taken to task by the local city council.

Now it’s being sued by its own teachers and, during a contentious Nov. 9 board meeting, members voted 4-3 to fire District Superintendent Joe Morelock.

When Newberg’s board first adopted the policy on the same 4-3 vote in August, it directed administrators to remove signs and posters of a political nature, specifically citing Black Lives Matters and Pride images…


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