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OUCH! Minorities React To Joe Biden’s Plan To Enact “Institutionalized Racism” As Part Of His COVID Recovery Plan

On Sunday, the Biden-Harris Transition team released a video of Joe Biden explained to Americans, “Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.” — President-elect Biden.

Has anyone else noticed that so much of what the Democrats have been planning for Americans has been more about division than unity?  Setting up elaborate plans and rules will slow only down getting aid out to those that need it the most.

Minorities on Twitter are definitely taking notice of Joe’s new “reopen and rebuild” plan and they’re letting old “You ain’t black, Joe” know how they feel.

Leonydus Johnson,  Host of Informed Dissent, calls out Biden’s plan for being actual institutionalism racism.

Elise De Windt, a black female, blasted Biden’s remarks, calling them the “evil face of racism,” adding, “These policies should be banned by the Supreme Court.”

Even @Ravarora1, a 19-year-old writer, points out the flaws in Biden’s plant to prioritize one group over another based solely on race:

“I don’t doubt some minority groups operating small businesses have disproportionately suffered from the pandemic. But “minority” isn’t a uniform category. Black businesses might suffer more than whites, but perhaps South Asian, Cuban, etc., businesses don’t. Contrary to Biden’s approach, you should prioritize those who need help first — regardless of race. And, in doing so, u would disproportionately help black and Latino small businesses. Prioritizing 1 group over another wrongfully assumes racial homogeneity. It’s a mistake.”

Former Chinese citizen Wu Lebao asks Joe Biden a very good question, “Are you implying minorities and women [are] unlikely to own large businesses?”  He ends his tweet by telling Biden that his policy is “racist.”

Female Twitter user, Marian Medvin chimes in with a Public Service Announcement, reminding Joe that his policy actually breaks the law: “Discrimination based on race and sex of white men remains unlawful under federal law.”

More Twitter users blasted Biden’s reckless statements, accusing him of pushing for segregation in America.

Conservative, gay activist Brandon Straka responded to Biden’s racist comments, reminding him that Asians are the most successful race of people in America.



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