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By Princeray




The “United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States” was set up under U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the U.S. Vice PresidentNelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized CIA MK ULTRA. It also studied issues relating to the JFK Assassination, specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film, and the possible presence of CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas, TX.[1] Carefully hidden behind the veil of the Rockefeller Commission were the CIA’s top secret illegal domestic operations and war against Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland, CA.[2]

U.S. President Gerald R. Ford was initiated into Freemasonry on September 30, 1949, in Malta Lodge No. 465. (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Subsequently Ford received the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason in Columbia Lodge No.3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951 respectively. Years later Ford became a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction.[3]

U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was a Knight of Malta (Knight Templar). He stood at the top of the hierarchical level of Freemasonry.[4]

“The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.” – Quoted from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper[5]

The Rockefeller Commission led by Freemasons deliberately concealed the CIA’s domestic operations against the BPP.

In June 1966, the CIA director was Richard Helms. The CIA’s secret operations against the BPP were run out of the Office of Security: 

The Director of Security (DOS) is charged with the preparation of the Agency’s security program and with the performance of security inspection functions…” Included among the responsibilities of the DOS was to “Obtain and evaluate through investigation, technical interrogation, and liaison contact with other United States agencies…Approve or Disapprove, from a security standpoint, the employment or utilization of individuals by the Agency, except certain approvals reserved for the Deputy Director (Plans)…Develop and conduct internal counterintelligence programs to detect and prevent hostile penetrations of the Agency through its employees…Furnish security advice and guidance to Agency employees.”[6]

The director of the CIA Office of Security (OS) at that time was Robert L. Bannerman.[7] Bannerman was OS deputy chief under Sheffield EdwardsOS had the responsibility to protect Agency personnel and facilities from compromising situations and unauthorized penetration. OS also performed other, more surreptitious tasks. Its agents were widely regarded as experts in carrying out “black bag” and “clean up” jobs, and were infamous for less sophisticated “hard knuckle” operations.[8]

Since 1948, Edwards had been directly involved in supervising the CIA’s PB/7 program responsible for assassinations, kidnappings, special weapons, drugs, exotic poisons, induced diseases, and other means. BLUEBIRD (Nazi SS) and the secret assassination program ARTICHOKE (Assassinations & Manchurian Candidates) were run out of OS. There is no reason to believe OS suddenly changed its stripes under Bannerman.[9]

The CIA ran two highly classified and secret programs against the Panthers out the basement of the CIA Langley headquarters. OS’ Merrimac Project employed a number of secret black agents to spy on, report on and infiltrate the Panthers. They attended meetings and rallies to identify Panthers and supporters. They had at least 12 (twelve) black agents to photograph Panthers, identify their vehicles and follow them home. The OS developed and maintained a sophisticated and comprehensive data system on the BPP.

OS’ other secret operation against the Panthers was the infamous CHAOS Project.[10] Before the beginning of the Rockefeller Commission, CIA Director, Richard Helms, one of the most dangerous men in America, linked to Operation PAPERCLIP NAZI SS, ARTICHOKE, MK ULTRA/MONARCH, and their undeclared illegal war against the PANTHERS destroyed 150-200 domestic files on the BPP to conceal them from Congress and the public. And, the Knights of Malta and Freemasons on the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 conspired with the CIA to keep their secret illegal war against the Panthers off the books, TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED.[11]

This is what I know. We knew that entities high in the government declared war against us. They told all our friends and family that they were going to kill us or put us in prison for life. We couldn’t land any decent jobs, public or private, because of government interference. However, the most chilling part is that we were warned that we had high level extrajudicial death squads out on streets employed to kill us or make us disappear. That’s why we had strict orders if presented with lethal force– RETURN IT.

In the early formation of the BPP in 1966, secret Operation Merrimac black CIA agent had in fact made direct contact with me to try to discourage me from continuing to support Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. As far as I know now, I have had U.S Army, Air Force Intelligence, and several secret black CIA/NSA agents and agent provocateurs assigned to befriend me to identify Panthers, elders, friends, family, followers, and any supporters that gave us any aid, support and strength for planned government neutralization operations. Yes, on a personal basis it did seriously affect me mentally and socially, but we moved forward with love for the people, self-defense, self-determination, the 10-Plan, and didn’t back up.




In 1970-1971, a small group of young white teachers with Oakland Unified School District invited me to a business presentation at one of their homes. I was invited to the presentation because the business product proffered to alter the psyche of black children. The business product was “The Sun Man”. A young brother developed a black super hero called the “Sun Man” to booster the self-esteem of black children. I sat down with him for a confidential conversation. I told him that what he proposed to affect the psyche of black children was an ILLUSION.

Merriam-Webster defines ILLUSION as a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality. The magician specializes in creating ILLUSIONS, so that people believe they have seen something when they really haven’t.[53]

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology heavily studied by the CIA that focuses on the way people process information. It looks at how we process information we receive and how the treatment of this information leads to our responses. In other words, cognitive psychology is interested in what is happening within our minds that links stimulus (input) and response (output).[54]

Perception Stimulus (Input) Processing
 BLACK CHILD   The Greatness Super Hero of Them All


No Foundation

No History

No Mythology

No Such Hero

ILLUSION, Cognitive Bias and Dissonance.

Mental Error

Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one’s own self-interest. In other words, a cognitive bias does not result from any emotional or intellectual predisposition toward a certain judgment, but rather from subconscious mental procedures for processing information. Cognitive biases are similar to optical illusions in that the error remains compelling even when one is fully aware of its nature. Awareness of the bias, by itself, does not produce a more accurate perception. Cognitive biases, therefore, are, exceedingly difficult to overcome.[12]

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[13]


Perception Stimulus (Input)





Hercules is a Roman Hero and God. He was the Son of Zeus (Roman equivalent Jupiter). In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his Super Strength.


Global Super Hero, Super Hero of Greek and Roman Mythology, Validation of Human Worthiness and Divine Origin

I tried to explain to the young brother that “The Sun Man” has “no objective reality” in myth or fact. He was offering black children a black super hero that they don’t have. The Sun Man doesn’t exist in legend, myth or fact. I offered to sit down with him and help develop a real black super hero from legend, mythology or fact that challenges the notions of white supremacy and that we could defend, justify, protect, and win the support of the masses, and the consent and approval of our elders.

Subconsciously, the young man was really seeking the consent and approval of white people offering them a black super hero that wouldn’t offend them or challenge white privileges and white supremacy notions. I never hear from him. The Sun Man died. The Sun Man found life again in 1985. He was copyrighted by Olmec Corporation (Yla Eason) in New York. “For too long, many black children have been unable to enjoy the fantasies of power because they could not identify with superheros who were white.” By 1993, the Sun Man died once more.[14]

So, you may ask why I am talking about the long gone Sun Man in 2018Walt Disney and Marvel Comics’ “The Black Panther” movie opened five weeks ago in February 2018, and it’s come in No. 1 at the box office for all five of those weeks well into March 2018. There is no difference between the “The Sun Man” black super hero of the 20th century, and “The Black Panther” black super hero of the 21st centuryBoth deceive and pacify the masses with the illusions of “fantasies of power”. Both “The Sun Man” and “The Black Panther” black hero do not exist in legend, myth, magic or fact. Neither black hero, “The Sun Man” or “The Black Panther” challenges the status quo, New World Order or global white supremacy, because they are absolutely ILLUSIONARY characters of fantasy black power created by the ILLUMINATI and the New World Order to negatively affect the psyche of the masses and mislead and Double Bind (insanity without disease) the psyche of the elders, and black children.



Buchenwald concentration camp near Wiemar, Germany was one of the largest on German soil, with one hundred and 30 (thirty) satellite camps and extension units. The name “Buchenwald” was given to the camp by SS I Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler on July 28, 1937. The camp’s name – “Buchenwald” – became a synonym for the Nazi SS crimes against humanity, because it was one of the most bestial. In the early 1970s, they had plans for black and brown students of the Oakland Unified School District that was a “TOUCH OF BUCHENWALD“.

Oakland Public Schools- A Buchenwald Satellite Camp & Diabolical EVIL 

Seething Energies of Lucifer, Master Mason Manley P. Hall

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy. ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ page 48, Manley P Hall, 33rd degree.

Freemasonry reveals itself at a closer approach in its true light, that of a satanic sect. Freemasonry worships LuciferSatan. The higher degrees of masonry are far more secret and diabolical than the general membership. The higher degrees use their influence in all aspects of society to advance in power and control for the furtherance of what they call “the great work “, which is a New World Order.

During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) had been one of the best and most comprehensive free educational systems in the nation and the world. Its athletic department – the Division 1 Oakland Athletic League (OAL) was renowned for producing world class athletes. Over 70% of the student population of nearly 77,000 was black. However, there was room for much improvement particularly in racial matters. There was a great need of a more diversified staff of educators and school administrators. There was a need to include the black community in the educational decision-making process of the schools, because it had risen to demand change and POWER


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