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Portland ANTIFA Thug Convicted of Vicious Curbstomping Paroled After A Year in Prison

By Richard Moorhead

A Portland ANTIFA militant convicted of a curbstomping assault of a besieged motorist is being sprung from prison early by Oregon’s parole system, after serving just over a year of his diminutive 20-month sentence.

The announced that 26-year old Marquise Love had been “released from custody on transitional leave” on Monday. After pleading guilty to felony riot and third-degree assault last year, Marquise Love agreed to spend 36 months on probation and submit to chemical substance evaluations.

Love kicked an injured motorist in the face in August of 2020, after the victim was attacked in a ANTIFA ambush in the vicinity of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse.

Acting in the manner of a gutless coward, Love went on to beat the incapacitated victim after the cheap shot, unwilling to engage him in a fair fight.

Love attempted to justify his cheap-shot by accusing the downed motorist of “racism,” without evidence.

Love’s short sentence was opposed by members of the community and victims of ANTIFA violence, although many weren’t surprised that Love got off with a slap on the wrist. Multnomah District Attorney Mike Schmidt has pledged a “hands off” policy in regards to the street terror organization, routinely declining to prosecute property, riot and even violent crimes.

Love has an extensive record of arrests stemming from domestic violence, traffic, and gun charges, usually getting off with pre-trial diversion programs. If Love violates terms of his probation, he theoretically could face between 9-20 more months in prison, although the local justice system has made it clear they don’t intend to penalize left-wing criminal offenders.


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