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Putin Signs Decree on Compensation for US Damage to Russia, Central Bank

By Sputnik International


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Thursday that outlines steps for claiming compensation from the United States for the damage done to Russia and its central bank.
The decree, titled “On the Special Procedure for Compensation for Damage Caused to Russia and the Russian Central Bank in Connection with Unfriendly Actions Taken by the United States,” was listed in the official legal database.
The decree allows the state and the central bank to seek redress in court if US actions result in unlawful loss of property.
Property of the United States or US-linked individuals in Russia, including citizens, tax residents and their associates, may be used to generate compensation for plaintiffs.
A commission for the oversight of foreign investment in Russia will be tasked with assessing damage claims and identifying assets that could be used to pay off damages in line with the principle of proportionality. These include movable and immovable property of the US and associated individuals, bonds and shares in Russian legal entities, as well as property rights…



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