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Rage Over Charissa Thompson’s Fabrications Should Extend To All Corporate Media Liars



The Thompsons of the journalism world were once viewed as anomalies in newsrooms. Now, they are the standard.

When sports commentator and pregame show host Charissa Thompson admitted last week that she fabricated some of the NFL halftime reports she gave during her time on the sidelines, Americans and journalists alike were predictably angry.

“I’ve said this before, so I haven’t been fired for saying it, but I’ll say it again – I would make up the report sometimes because A, the coach wouldn’t come out at halftime, or it was too late, and I was like, I didn’t want to screw up the report, so I was like, ‘I’m just gonna make this up,’” she explained on the Pardon My Take podcast.

The veteran media employee emphasized that she faced no retribution for the act because she knew the NFL coaches, she was supposed to interview wouldn’t correct her…


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