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Real-Life X-Men: How CRISPR Could Give You Superpowers in the Future


Could CRISPR technology lead to the development of real-life superheroes like the X-Men? We think yes – and you may be shocked to learn that people with superhuman abilities already walk among us. Learn about how CRISPR could turn the next generation into superhumans who choose their abilities from a catalog.

The first X-Men movie hit our screens back in 2000 and we’ve been treated to multiple sequels and spinoffs over the last 16 years, the latest of which was X-Men: Apocalypse. X-Men: Apocalypse focuses on the character Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant, who awakened after thousands of years to be greeted by a world he’s disillusioned with. We follow Apocalypse and his team of mutants on their quest to cleanse mankind and create a new world order. Things don’t go entirely to plan for Apocalypse, as Raven (also known as Mystique) and Professor X work to lead the X-Men to stop their nemesis and save mankind – sounds like a pretty busy weekend for the mutants…

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