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Reasons Never to Vote Democrat Again, Vol. II: The Big, Blue Crime Wave




The Democrats aren’t tough on crime; they create it. It’s part of the plan.

Just before the “pandemic,” leading apparatchiks like former New York Gov. Andrew “Handsy” Cuomo decided prisons and bail laws were somehow “racist.” He began letting convicts out early and scrapping the bail laws, keeping them out of jail and back on the streets, committing more crimes. Once COVID-19 hit, New York State used it as an excuse to ramp up its early release plans, even though being incarcerated sounds like a wonderful example of social distancing. Other Democrat leaders followed Cuomo’s lead and began letting thugs out of jail.

Commie District Attorneys (DAs) around the country, many pimped out by legendary bolshie George Soros, began to do the same, letting the bad guys out and keeping them out, either with no-bail laws or by simply not chasing and arresting people in the first place. Chicago went so far as to limit which criminals cops could chase on foot.



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