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Restoration Video: All-Star Panel on ‘Israel and the Civilized World at War’


Knowing your enemy to win.

Below are the video and transcript of remarks given by an exceptional panel at the Freedom Center’s 2023 Restoration Weekend – just held Oct. 26-29 at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans.

Israel and the Civilized World at War from DHFC on Vimeo.


Robert Spencer:

Many people have been joking around yesterday and today about how all we need now is a two-state solution and that will fix everything. If we just had a Palestinian state and the Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace. And many people do, of course, still assume and we are still hearing this rhetoric, that if only the Palestinians had a state, then everything would be okay.

Meanwhile, if we actually looked at what the Palestinians themselves are saying and have said with terrified consistency for decades now, we would know that no two-state solution will solve anything but will only create a new jihad base for renewed attacks against Israel. This is a religious war. This is a religious war. It is not a political war or, if you prefer, it is a political war fought for religious reasons, because the religious system that is at war, started the war and is the cause of the war envisions a political system in which the whole world is subsumed under the hegemony of the people who hold to this religion….


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