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Romania’s Black Sea Petromidia Refinery Suffers “Explosion”

Romania's Black Sea Petromidia Refinery Suffers "Explosion"
Romania’s Black Sea Petromidia Refinery Suffers “Explosion”

By Tyler Durden 

Reuters reports an “explosion” occurred at a refinery in Năvodari, Romania, situated on the Black Sea. Early indications are at least two people were injured.

A thick column of black smoke rises from the Petromidia Refinery owned by the Rompetrol company.

As a result of the explosion, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situation said two people were injured but didn’t provide additional details on their conditions.

A hazard alert was issued to surrounding residents. Those who were within 1 km, or a little more than half a mile, from the plant, were told to evacuate.

The cause of the explosion remains unknown, but the incident area has been a recent hotbed for international attention. Last week, a NATO warship sailed through what Russia claims is territorial waters near Crimea. That sparked a massive response by Russia to expel the vessel.


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