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School Safety: Can We Risk Politicizing It?

by Wenyuan Wu

[Please note that the article is NOT about gun control, a separate topic worthy of more extensive scientific inquiry. It is about the efficacy of different school safety measures including gun control and more broadly, how we as a society can ensure safety for our children in schools.]

In the wake of the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Americans have renewed public debates on school safety, gun control, and mental health. In California, Democratic lawmakers rushed to advance a flurry of bills to tighten government regulations over gun owners, manufacturers and distributors. This essay analyzes a number of new gun legislation proposals as they relate to school safety.

Among the slate of bills being considered in the state legislature, SB 1327 would allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers, distributors, and traders for dealing assault weapons, .50 BMG rifles or ghost guns. The bill is sponsored by Governor Newsom…

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