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‘Sicko with an axe to grind’: Trump tears into Biden for pushing ‘losers and suckers’ hoax

By Kevin Haggerty


A shameless retread of a debunked claim prompted return fire from former President Donald Trump about the responsible “sicko with an axe to grind.”

“No President, especially ‘dumb as a rock’ Joe Biden, has done more for our Military than DONALD J. Trump.”

One day after President Joe Biden marked the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, his campaign used the solemn occasion to launch an attack against his Republican rival, slapping together out-of-context quotes over images of wounded veterans, mourning loved ones, and the graves of the fallen.

Beginning with an alleged quote cited from a 2020 article in The Atlantic that claimed Trump had rejected plans to visit the graves of fallen soldiers during a 2018 trip to France, “Why should I go to [Aisne-Marne American] cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the return of “losers and suckers” was not met quietly by the GOP leader.

“Crooked Joe Biden…the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, just confused Ukraine with Iraq. He actually doesn’t know the difference, probably gets money from both, a Manchurian Candidate! He also said, in another Democrat Disinformation ‘hit job’ like Russia, Russia, Russia, the ’51 Intel Agents,’ or the Fake FISA Reports, that I called dead American Soldiers, ‘losers and suckers,’” wrote Trump on Truth Social.

“Who would ever say such a thing? Only a sicko with an axe to grind would suggest that anyone would make such a statement,” he continued. “They even made these horrific words into an advertisement, which shows how desperate they are. No President, especially ‘dumb as a rock’ Joe Biden, has done more for our Military than DONALD J. TRUMP. The Military hates Crooked Joe, and all of the failure he represents. Take down the Fake Ad, Joe, and stop the unprecedented Weaponization of ‘Justice’ against your Political Opponent. You are destroying our Country!” …


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