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Spite: Joe Biden would rather let border wall materials rot on the ground than sell them to Texas

By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden doesn’t want to build a border wall. We all know that he says as much and that he’s been captured by the vast open borders industrial complex.

One problem for Joe, though: That dereliction of duty has driven his poll numbers straight into the toilet. His public approval is falling, with disapproval of his handling of the border crisis now at an all-time high. Longtime Democrat Hispanic strongholds in south Texas are now turning red, and the illegals are surging on in.

Amazingly, he has the wherewithal to fix that problem, but not the brains.

He’s got a partially built border wall in possession now, and a lot of building materials for it, paid for by U.S. taxpayers for millions of dollars, rotting on the ground, like this is some third-world country that ran out of cash before finishing its project.


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