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T-Cells “Minimize” Damage Caused By Omicron, Studies Show

By Tyler Durden


Two new studies – one from Erasmus University in the Netherlands and one from the University of Cape Town in South Africa – have just reminded humanity that our antibodies aren’t the last line of defense against COVID, and its newest variant, omicron.

Both have confirmed that T-cells, what Bloomberg describes as the body’s weapon against every virus-infected cell, have shown a surprising ability to defend against omicron.

The report goes on to explain that T-cells are the reason why mortality hasn’t increased alongside the advent of omicron: with or without vaccines, the human body still has a tool in its toolkit to suppress viruses like these. The T-cell’s most critical attribute, when it comes to fighting viruses, is that they target the whole of the spike protein that viruses use to bind with human cells. Because of this, mutations that impact the spike protein (omicron was said to have 50 pertinent mutations in that department) won’t help it evade the T-cell response.


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