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Posts tagged as “CIA”

EP 2185-9AM BREAKING [CIA CYBER-COUP!]: Investigators & Trump Attorneys Tracking Data Off-Shored To CIA, Soros, Clinton, Pelosi Connected Companies

People please take a minute to pay attention. @RudyGiuliani @gatewaypundit @mschlapp, @pnjaban @DanScavino @LouDobbs @SidneyPowell1 @SaraCarterDC @DineshDSouza @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @ali — Roscoe B Davis?⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1)…

CIA Funded Psychological Warfare Operation Was First to Report on the Corona Virus back in December 2019 — Months Before Western Media Outlets Had Begun Reporting on the Developing Pandemic

By Sasha O’Conner Months before any western news outlets had even heard of the developing COVID-19 pandemic, a CIA funded psychological warfare operation (RFA China) was…

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