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Posts tagged as “Democratic National Committee (DNC)”

The Enemy is Within

By Sally Zelikovsky Watching Democrat-aligned radicals raze our cities over the past three months has felt like a thousand mini-Pearl Harbors — only the enemy is…

Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

By Joe Hoft   The International Schiller Institute held an online forum today with guest experts in the Intel Community. The topic was: “Neither Flynn Nor…

STUNNING: FBI Now Refuses to Provide Documents on Seth Rich’s Brother and a DOJ Attorney (Who Admitted Meeting with Mueller Gang on Seth Rich Case) Due to Privacy Concerns?

By Joe Hoft   The FBI continues to defer and decline to provide documents requested in a FOIA request on Seth Rich’s Brother and on DOJ…

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