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Posts tagged as “Detroit”

SHOCKING Recording of Zoom Call Reveals Trainers for Dem Poll Challengers Saying “ICU” Thugs Are “There to back you up” and “A lot of what you’ll be doing is ‘ratting out’ the Republicans” [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray Yesterday, 100 Percent Fed Up shared a disturbing development related to the so-called “security” in the upcoming election on Tuesday in Detroit. On Thursday, MI…

WATCH: Large Garbage Bag Used To Transfer Stacks of Absentee Ballots From Detroit Drop Box
Is This What SOS Benson Means When She Says MI Elections Were “Most secure in history”?

by Patty McMurray Several months ago, the Gateway Pundit obtained surveillance video footage from 19 absentee ballot drop boxes in Detroit from the 2020 election. 100 Percent Fed…

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