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Posts tagged as “Donald Trump”

Beto O’Rourke QUITS 2020 race as his campaign runs out of cash after launching run on the front of Vanity Fair saying: ‘Man, I’m just born to be in it’ – and Donald Trump mocks: ‘I don’t think so!’

Beto O’Rourke tweets that he is out of the 2020 race – which he entered with a Vanity Fair cover and proclaiming: ‘Man, I’m just…

Nancy Pelosi launches formal impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump amid reports he withheld aid money from Ukraine – as he brands the move ‘more breaking news Witch Hunt garbage’ and accuses the Dems of ‘presidential harassment’

Speaker Pelosi launched a formal impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, bringing every House committee probe under one umbrella She dropped her resistance to impeachment after…

Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump of asking ‘a foreign power to help him win an election. AGAIN,’ as she ties Ukraine whistle-blower scandal to Russia ‘collusion’ claims

Clinton tweeted that Trump was ‘again’ asking a foreign country to help him win an election She was responding to a report that the president…

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