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Posts tagged as “global economy”

VIDEO: UK’s Prince Charles Calls For ‘Vast Military-Style Campaign’ By Elites To Achieve Global ‘Fundamental Economic Transition’

by Gabriel Keane The United Kingdom’s Prince Charles called for a “vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector,” using the…

On The Verge..

On The Verge…  Gary   Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are down globally. Iran and Israel are on the brink of war. China and Taiwan are on the brink…

As he presented his Recovery Plan to Parliament on 26 April to relaunch the Italian economy, Prime Minister Mario Draghi warned that the ‘destiny of Italy’ depends on the plan’s success.

First published in the Daily Maverick 168 weekly newspaper. He might have added that the future of Europe does too. At stake is an audacious gamble on…

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