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Posts tagged as “voter fraud”

Civil War Two

BY JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER America has a new manufactured crisis, ElectionGate, as if all the other troubles piling up like tropical depressions marching across the September…

Minneapolis Police ‘Looking Into’ Explosive ‘Voter Fraud’ Allegations Following Project Veritas Video Involving Ilhan Omar Campaign

By  Ryan Saavedra The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) announced on Monday afternoon that it is “looking into” explosive “allegations of voter fraud” following a video that…

Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: ‘These Here Are All Absentee Ballots…Look…My Car Is Full…” ‘Money Is The King Of Everything’

Ballot Harvester Liban Mohamed: “Money is Everything. Money is the King in this World. If You Got No Money, You Should Not Be Here, Period. You…

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