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Ted Cruz Skewers Ilhan Omar After She Attacks Israel for Defending Itself

by Nick Arama

We’ve been reporting about Hamas launching a ton of rockets into Israel from Gaza.

Now the superficial ‘justification’ from Hamas is that Israel is unjustly evicting several Palestinian families from the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. That doesn’t even begin to be a justification for such an attack. But in truth, Hamas really is just using that as today’s cover for their actions. They usually don’t even bother with any excuses for their attacks, just their desire to destroy Israel, no matter who it hurts, even if that includes Palestinians.

After Israel was attacked, they responded with a counter-offensive, hitting the Hamas terrorists.

As we observed, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked Israel for defending themselves.

Notice what Omar doesn’t do is call out Hamas for using citizens as human shields. What she doesn’t do is to tell Hamas to stop attacking Israel.

Former New York state assemblyman Dov Hikind, who’s a Democrat, blasted Omar, posting a video of an attack on a Jewish motorist. Palestinian attackers tried to stone him and it was only because of the heroic actions of a police officer that he was rescued.

Hikind also completely skewered her with the Twitter trending topic.

Some people did something to that Twitter algorithm.

There was greater peace in Israel under President Donald Trump because he actively worked to bring people together and he held the Palestinians responsible for their actions and cut their funding. Meanwhile Joe Biden has restored that funding in an incredibly ignorant move, a move that has only encouraged more violent action.

Where Joe Biden’s response to all this? He’s been basically silent and media isn’t holding his feet to the fire over this.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked two pointed questions, one directed to Omar and the other to Biden.

Cruz tweeted, “Why is a Member of Congress acting as the press secretary for Hamas? Does Biden agree?” Terrific questions.

Democrats not only never held Omar accountable for her prior anti-Semitic statements, they put her on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and gave her a Vice-Chair position, Vice-Chair on the Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights subcommittee. So this isn’t just about the crazy things that Omar says. It’s about the Democrats essentially ignoring all concerns and endorsing her thought by elevating her to a position of leadership on an incredibly important committee. Neither Biden or other Democrats have condemned or called out these most recent comments publicly in any way.


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