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Ten Insane, Completely Irrational Things Millions of Americans Believe as We Enter the 2020s by Mike Adams

The 2020s may one day be called the “decade of insanity,” given all the insane things believed by a surprisingly large number of people. The frantic beliefs of these people are, of course, driving them to the brink of insanity. We see this with Greta Thunberg and the climate change lunatics, who are all convinced the world will literally be destroyed in 10 years if we don’t stop using fossil fuels (that’s item #3, see below).

When the masses can be convinced that they are all going to die, they tend to become rather crazed and irrational. And that’s where we are today in America, no longer the “land of the free” but rather the “cesspool of the insane,” led by psycho-terrorism organizations known as CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times. They’ve all abandoned journalism and now prioritize carrying out acts of psychological terrorism (or what I’ve called “journo-terrorism”) against the American people.

So now we launch the decade of the 2020s as a nation that’s largely run by criminals and traitors (i.e. most of Congress and the bureaucracy), where the university students are taught by libtard nut jobs pretending to be “professors,” where investors think the stock market will never suffer a correction again, and where CNN literally reports that men can get pregnant and give birth to human babies, some of whom the Left says should probably be murdered in the name of “women’s rights” (i.e. abortion).

We are now living in the Age of Insanity, and it’s not looking any better for 2020 and beyond.

So here’s a list of 10 totally insane things that millions of Americans believe right now as we enter this decade of insanity. Hint: Given all the 5G radiation, brain damaging fluoride in the water, heavy metals in the food and hormones in food packaging, it’s certain that the insanity is only going to get worse, so buckle up and prepare for life in a mad, mad world.

Insane belief #1: Men can become women by wishing it so

Nearly all Leftists literally believe there are more than two genders and that a person of one gender can magically transform into a completely different gender just by wishing. (See for many examples.)

Yes, Leftists now believe that men can get pregnant and have babies, and children are being taught that there are an infinite number of genders when, in reality, there are only two. By the same token, children are also being taught that getting the right answer on a test question isn’t important anymore… it’s how you feel about your answer that’s the new “reality.”

Insane belief #2: Stock market crashes are a thing of the past

This belief afflicts nearly all the masses, the oblivious retail investors who stupidly think their pension funds and mutual fund investments will keep growing forever, with no retractions, corrections or crashes.

So they buy and buy even as we are in such overbought territory that all the professional investors are selling everything and heading to their cabins in the woods with bars of gold.

In 2020, the typical American is now in “full FOMO” mode (Fear Of Missing Out) and is almost fanatically plunging all assets into the stock market in a desperate effort to chase the irrational exuberance to its final, disastrous end.

When the day of reckoning comes for these markets, the masses will be destroyed. But if the Fed plays along with more money creation and spontaneous liquidity, that day may yet be delayed until perhaps 2021 (or not).


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