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The 2020 Election began with Trump winning, and it may be how it ends

written by Kevin Fobbs


The American presidential election of 2020 was the greatest theft engineered by Democrats in the history of America. Joe Biden and the DNC democrats engineered a multi-state covert decimation of 70 million Trump voters’ constitutional protections. All in order to steal the presidency for Basement-In-Chief Biden. But Trump may halt liberals attempt to abort the will of Patriotic Americans. The election began with Trump winning, and it may be how it ends.

In retrospect, it was no coincidence that there was no urgency on the part of Democrats for Joe Biden to leave his basement to campaign or counter the undenied New York Post Hunter Biden scandal-filled accounts. The six or more-battleground state election steal was already on.

However, the abortion of the 2020 election was launched four years earlier.

Election integrity is something that Americans fully expect.

We reject the deceptive practices which many democrat leaders have employed in urban cities for decades. In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost, because democrat urban election machines could not steal, manufacture, or raise enough dead votes to stop Donald Trump. In 2020, these same election arsonists prepared to use election software called Dominion to give them the election theft edge that they needed.

Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell insisted recently in a Fox News interview with host Maria Bartiromo that “People with links to powerful Democrats are using Dominion voting machines to ‘steal’ votes.” She emphasized that top Democrats are using Dominion Voting Systems to commit “fraud” by stealing votes from President Trump and others according to MSN   She added that Richard Blum, California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband, is a significant shareholder in the company and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff, Nadeam Elshami, became a lobbyist for Dominion.

So, while Dominion and other democrat election theft efforts were being developed, the period from 2017 to 2020 was laced with endless political subterfuge in order to distract Americans from a new president’s agenda for the nation.

Lawyer Sydney Powell: Democrats used Dominion machines to steal votes

Instead, the democrats and make-believe media launched the 24-hour Russia-Russia-Russia collusion, which began with the insipid Steele Dossier scheme conducted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign in Obama’s Oval Office meeting in June of 2016.  According to The New York Post, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.   Once elected, the democrat disinformation machine went full force to clamor for Donald Trump’s political head on the proverbial Russian collusion fake dossier stick.

Democrat hate and rejection of Trump Constitutional win fueled abortion of 2020 election

It was their hatred for this man who promised to drain the swamp and Make America Great Again that fueled Hillary and her mainstream make-believe media hatchet men and women to attack President-elect Trump barely a week into his successful constitutionally elected bid. It was at this point that billionaire liberal scion disruptor George Soros and others created a plan to unleash black-masked dark hordes of Antifa operatives across college campuses to attack conservative speakers, administration officials dining out, and dox elected officials.

Maybe you don’t remember the vicious unceasing and unwarranted attacks that the liberal media leveled daily against President Trump.  It’s probably because you were listening to the liberal Michelle Obama types of America who preached her version of “love let’s come together” through hate and racial division at any cost. The make-believe media  loved both her as well as the liberal diatribes and mindless utterances of liberal members of ABC’s “View Crew.”

The ABC “View Crew” avoided the real liberal racism which Obama and Biden ignored
The real racism that black mothers and fathers live through each day is the injury or murder of tens of thousands of black children by (mostly black) criminals in inner cities ruled by liberal Democrats for decades. The silence of liberal ourtage over the senseless deaths of innoceent black residents was deafening in the funeral homes, churches, and especially in Obama and Joe Biden’s White.  Don’t forget the silence of the could not be bothered ABC “View Crew.”
Yet, President Trump has not remained silent.

He provided hundreds of millions of dollars for community and neighborhood programs to end street gang activity, murders and increase safe streets. While Joe Biden and media pundits punted on urban safety and protecting life so that 20 million additional black babies would not be murdered in the womb, Trump said “all life matters!” He kept that promise.

The American People who voted for Trump to end the catastrophic murder of more than 60 million unborn babies were paying attention. They relied on his promise to stop murder in the womb while the Biden, Harris, Bernie, and Warren democrat election abortion machine continue to build momentum.

If you didn’t know about Trump’s promised success in protecting life, thank the alphabet soup mainstream media and Planned Parenthood’s concerted effort to obscure Trump’s accomplishments. But succeed he did and President Trump began immediately.  President Trump cherishes the precious gift of life and actively took measures to protect the sanctity of life at all stages.

In his first week in office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that prevented $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the abortion industry.
  • President Trump de-funded a U.N. agency for colluding with China’s brutal program of forced abortion and sterilization
  • President Trump worked with the Congress to sign a bill overturning an Obama midnight regulation that prohibited States from defunding abortion service providers.
  • The Trump Administration published guidance which promises to enforce the Obamacare requirement that taxpayer dollars should not support abortion coverage in exchange plans.
  • Reinstated the Mexico City Policy to ban any U.S. foreign aid to organizations that perform abortions.
  • Signed a Congressional Review Act bill to allow states to restrict Planned Parenthood Funding.” Promises to protect life made and promises to protect life kept.v
Meanwhile, Biden’s promise is to make his family richer off his public office.

In fact, as the president plowed through and delivered on each of his promises to the American people, media network anchors, liberal beltway pundits, and former liberal officials ignored Biden, his son Hunter, and other family members who systematically worked to enrich themselves to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars from the financial coffers of Ukraine, the Chinese Communist Party, and others.

According to the New York Post,

“With the election of his father as vice president, Hunter Biden launched businesses fused to his father’s power that led him to lucrative deals with a rogue’s gallery of governments and oligarchs around the world.” Or as ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post and their Russian styled Media Troika Twitter, Facebook and Google insisted, don’t look behind the political curtain of corruption; “There’s nothing to see here.”
There IS something to see here — it is called Election Justice and the call to action is clear. 

Even though there are countless democrat-engineered fraudulent election practices being examined by both President Trump’s campaign and the Department of Justice, it is essential that each American actively assist to make certain every legal vote counts. The Liberal Abortion of the 2020 Election began with Trump winning, and that could still be how it ends.

Continue to share any and all information that you have

Or that you have access to concerning the wholesale theft of the American election process that Democrats have practiced since the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon presidential campaign. If we care about America and our constitutionally protected right to vote, then we must stand against the abortion of the 2020 election.

We must be the solution to the liberal democrat election machine tyranny and call it by its name before the American Dream is destroyed and the leftist Antifa BLM legislators enact their “Final Solution” upon our American faith and our American Freedom. We have been warned.


Lead Image: President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the South Portico of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


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