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The end of free elections in America? It could happen!

by Joseph Farah

Remember what Joe Biden did on his first day in the White House?

Within moments of taking the oath of office, he signed an executive order abolishing the “President’s Advisory 1776 Commission.”

It was a great idea, by President Donald Trump – and a popular one. The stated purpose was to “enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.”

People need to understand the beauty of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the sacrifice it took to institute them.

Why did Joe kill the commission so quickly? What did it mean? And why were his fellow Democrats so thrilled about its demise?

There are two major competing worldviews at work today.

One believes borders are essential to free, self-governing societies; while the other believes in elite rule of supranational unions of convenience.

It’s nationalism vs. globalism.

What else can the globalists do besides try to erase history? How else can they sell tyranny to the masses? Because that’s all they have.

Nationalism doesn’t always translate into freedom. However, no other form of government ever has. It’s the only chance we have. Anything else will not uphold the kind of “limited” government that has worked in constitutional republics like the U.S.

Here in the United States, we launched one of the freest governments in the history of the world by declaring independence from the globalists of the day.

Today, the globalists are trying to sell us on “interdependence.” But that’s just another synonym for “dependence.” Right? Why would we want to be dependent? It makes no sense. It’s irrational, unless of course your objective is to keep your subjects dependent.

And that’s exactly what the globalists intend to do.

Our job is to stop them. I’m glad we’re finally having this international debate on nationalism vs. globalism. It’s long overdue. It is probably the most important political debate we could have – one that forces us to choose between freedom and slavery.

And it’s directly related to another issue – the future of free elections.

You may have noticed the way free elections have been under attack in the U.S. in recent days.

Suddenly, elections have become quite controversial. Who should be allowed to vote? Who should not be? What should be required of voters?

I recall hearing French President Emmanuel Macron say the following in 2018. He called nationalism a “betrayal of patriotism.” He explained that “patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.”

What did he mean? And what do these extraordinary claims have to do with the future of free elections in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world?

You may have also heard U.S. Democratic leaders, some having previously conceded they lost certain elections in Florida, demanding to see “every vote counted.” It took me a while to figure out the link between the push for globalism over nationalism by people the world over and the win-at-any-cost Democratic politicians in Florida and Arizona in the midterms election of 2018.

Then, of course, came the Big Steal of 2020. These people were serious about no longer having free elections.

We’ve got a worldwide movement that doesn’t just prefer globalism over a system accountable to national laws, it is committed to depriving Americans of their most sovereign national individual rights.

The future of freedom and free elections here in America are now seriously threatened.

We have one political party that doesn’t think it should play by the rules, that thinks they should be the permanent ruling party. God help us if they ever get their way again.


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