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The final push to save our nation begins

No more debates.

It’s been a strange election year. Even if we set aside the craziness of COVID-19 lockdowns, Black Lives Matter riots, and everything else 2020 has thrown at us, the election news has been odd to say the least. But we’re almost done. This is the homestretch. It’s time to finish the job.

Joe Biden and President Trump gave their final national-stage pitches to the nation last night. It was as standard of a debate as is possible in these strange times. Burisma was discussed, as it should be. The President’s tax history was discussed, though it shouldn’t have been. But at the end of the day very few punches were solidly landed. Or were they?

It’s not what happened during the debate but what happens as a result of some of the comments made that will potentially influence people. For the most part, the President does not have much to diffuse despite Biden’s attempts to point people in certain directions. The same cannot be said about the hits Biden took from the President. Biden made critical errors and the President capitalized. The most glaring, though not necessarily the biggest, was when Biden directed people to the President’s campaign website to find videos of the former Vice President saying he’d get rid of fracking. First, you never tell the audience to go to your opponent’s website. Second, you don’t say that you didn’t say something that you’ve said on multiple occasions.

Biden’s long-practiced, faux-emotional, stare-into-the-camera attempts to paint himself as the reasonable choice were belied by calls to grant illegal immigrants citizenship, destroy the oil industry, and embrace every social justice cause the radical left could imagine. He wanted to come across as an average Joe, but instead sounded like a standard politician.

The second biggest mistake he made had to do with the energy industry as well. He said he would not get rid of fracking, thus annoying the radical leftists obsessed with climate change who believe fracking is the purest of evil. But he also alienated the opposite side of the fence by saying he wanted to get rid of the oil industry altogether.

“Would he close down the oil industry?” President Trump asked. “Would you close down the oil industry?”

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“I would transition from the oil industry, yes,” Biden responded.

The biggest mistake he made was to try to come across as relatable. Biden’s long-practiced, faux-emotional, stare-into-the-camera attempts to paint himself as the reasonable choice were belied by calls to grant illegal immigrants citizenship, destroy the oil industry, and embrace every social justice cause the radical left could imagine. He wanted to come across as an average Joe, but instead sounded like a standard politician.

There were other things the people can investigate that Biden failed to diffuse, to the chagrin of debate moderator Kristen Welker. The President rightly nailed him on the 1994 crime bill that has haunted Biden with any person of color who is willing to do the research. He made it worse by claiming he didn’t call criminals “predators” back then because, well, he did. As The Federalist noted:

“They must be taken off the street,” Biden said. “Unless we do something about that cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing … we should focus on them now … they will, or a portion of them will become the predators 15 years from now, and madam president we have predators on our streets.”

Leftist fact-checkers flocked to Biden’s defense, saying he never used the words of Hillary Clinton and her “super predators” line. But he absolutely did call them “predators,” and that should give pause to persons of color who do not like being classified in such terms by a potential President of the United States.

But all of this is moot if we do not get the word out. Mainstream media declared Joe Biden the winner of the debate and the winner of the election months ago. They’ve been working feverishly to hide Biden’s past, disguise his radical policy proposals as “moderate,” and make people believe that he’s not the sniveling career politician that he truly is. And sadly, millions will believe them. We cannot trust the average uninformed voter to do the research for themselves. We must be the ones blowing the trumpet.

If Joe Biden wins and Democrats are able to take control of the Senate, there will be a permanent Democratic rule established. They will do whatever it takes to “save the nation” from a future Donald Trump. That’s the justification they’ll use if given the mandate through major victories in a week and a half. They will pack the courts, make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states, and grant voting rights to both felons and illegal aliens. And when they do these things, it will be decades before we have another Republican as President, Senate Majority Leader, or Speaker of the House. Then again, in that scenario the nation will not last for decades.

From now until the election, there is no worldly priority that supersedes the need to save this nation from Democratic victories. They will lie, cheat, and steal their way to victory if we do not do everything we can to spread the truth.

Here is the post-debate panel I sat on last night with Peter Ticktin, Christopher Harris, John B. Wells, Rick Gates, Charles Butler, and Jerry and Christy McGlothlin:


COVID-19 may take down an independent news outlet

Nobody said running a media site would be easy. We could use some help keeping this site afloat.

Colleagues have called me the worst fundraiser ever. My skills are squarely rooted on the journalistic side of running a news outlet. Paying the bills has never been my forte, but we’ve survived. We have ads on the site that help, but since the site’s inception this has been a labor of love that otherwise doesn’t bring in the level of revenue necessary to justify it.

When I left a nice, corporate career in 2017, I did so knowing I wouldn’t make nearly as much money. But what we do at NOQ Report to deliver the truth and fight the progressive mainstream media narrative that has plagued this nation is too important for me to sacrifice it for the sake of wealth. We know we’ll never make a ton of money this way, and we’re okay with that.

Things have become harder with the coronavirus lockdowns. Both ad money and donations that have kept us afloat for a while have dropped dramatically. We thought we could weather the storm, but the so-called “surge” or “2nd-wave” that mainstream media and Democrats are pushing has put our prospects in jeopardy. In short, we are now in desperate need of financial assistance.

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Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.


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