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The Global War on Farming: ‘Net Zero and the American beef industry cannot coexist’

By Marc Morano


Excerpt: I was fortunate enough to be invited as the keynote speaker to their annual event in Rapid city last month by their CEO Bill Bullard. I had an amazing time meeting so many amazing American ranchers and I wanted to share the speech I gave there with you.

If you want to watch the full speech, here is the video recording. If you’d rather read through the speech, scroll down.

‘‘For those of you who don’t know my home country, The Netherlands is a tiny country in North-West Europe and when I say tiny, I mean tiny.

For reference, the state of South Dakota alone is 5x the size of my entire country.

We might be small in size, but we’re big at one thing. And that’s farming.

Farming is the backbone, not just of our economy, but of our nation’s historyidentity and culture.

The foundations of modern agriculture in the Netherlands were laid in the early 1500 and oftentimes farmers who are alive today come from families whose farming history dates back hundreds of years.

As a result of this, we are now amongst the world’s most lucrative, productive and technologically advanced farmers in the world.

In fact, after you guys here in America, we are the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the entire world and the largest exporter of beef in the European Union.

It’s not an overstatement to say that we together, The United States of America and The Netherlands, feed the world.

For now. Because unfortunately the most powerful people in the world, want to stop us.

So let me tell you a real-life cautionary tale. Let me tell you about what exactly has been going on with the Dutch farmers and what prompted them to go out and protest.

In 2019, a group of environmental activists sued the Dutch government, claiming that Dutch natural reserves were under threat because of a so-called ‘nitrogen crisis’  and that the Dutch government violated Dutch law and European regulations by failing to sufficiently protect nature.

The Dutch court agreed with the environmental activists and so it began: The Netherlands officially entered the so-called ‘’nitrogen crisis’.

Not big corporations, not the airline industries…

No. Both the EU and the Dutch government agree that cow burps are deemed the biggest driver of climate change.

And after the 2019 ruling, things escalated quickly. 

Last year, the Dutch government decided that 30% of all livestock needs to be cut by 2030 in order to meet the climate goals.

And then the government decided that would mean at least 3000 farms needed to be shut down in the next few years.

If farmers refuse to sell their land to the state ‘’voluntarily’’ to the state now, they run the risk of being expropriated later.

Yes, you heard that right. Expropriated. Your property rights will simply be taken away from you.

What I really want to get across here ladies and gentlemen, is that I of course could get into all the nitty gritty details of what the nitrogen crisis exactly entails according to the government, but that would be a mistake. 

Our government doesn’t give a rat’s ass – excuse my French – about ‘’Dutch nature’’.

There is no nitrogen crisis.

It is all one big lie. It’s a pretext…


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