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The MIB: The Cover-Up

People listen to me there will be videos of people reporting their stories about the Miami incident who will then retract them because they were visited by Homeland Security.

This happened to Andrew Dawson who is now deceased. He uploaded videos exposing government cover-ups. He got a visit from the Black Suits.

Then he said he lied about what he saw and just wanted viewers. Then he uploaded his last video stating he was forced to change his story. Now he is no longer with his family.

These agents are dispatched every single time there are those who are fortunate enough to have evidence of what occurred. You will be threatened with life altering scenarios if you do not adhere to their commands.

Your career.

Your life.

Your family.

Your status.

All will be in jeopardy. This is common among those who have 1st hand accounts with the unknown. So please do not be dismayed at the fact or notion that people are now revising their stories and no longer wants anything to do with the incident.

This is a government operandi. So expect more people to remove their videos. Expect them to change their stories.

In 1947 the CIA was organized and the first UFO cases burst upon the American media landscape as “flying saucers.” In that year, also, the first modern visitation by the infamous Men in Black took place in which a witness, one Harold Dahl, was silenced….




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