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The New Jim Crow: Under Biden, Straight White Men Need Not Apply

It was always there, just beneath the surface. Late radio giant Rush Limbaugh called it get-even-with-’em-ism. It’s that hostility that ever underlay racial quotas and that now, being more overt, is manifesting itself in “the largest racial tracking bureaucracy since the fall of Nazi Germany.”

That’s how Fox News host Tucker Carlson characterized Joe Biden’s new “equity”-oriented executive order (number 13985), signed Thursday and mostly ignored every day. It protects and elevates all conceivable groups in the United States — except one.

If you guessed “Straight white men,” go to the head of the class.

That is, unless you’re a straight white man. Then you can sit in the back of the of the electric, carbon-neutral bus to East Palestine.

One more thing: Coincidentally, I’m sure, straight white men are also the major demographic that is perhaps least likely to support Democrats.

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