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The Only Question I Have Is: When Does the Terrorist Incident Occur, Before or After the Nov Election?

By Duke


I’m going to address a topic that I’ve danced around in some of my posts over the past couple of months, but now I feel it’s just time to come straight out and ask the question directly because I feel the writing is definitely on the wall. I don’t think that rational, well-meaning people can continue to ignore the evidence of the stories that we have seen since January 20th, 2021, when Joe Biden assumed the office of the presidency.

That simple question is this: When do you, the reader, expect a terrorist incident to occur this year — before the November election or after?

I think it could happen at any moment now.

Of course, maybe you are one of the few who could be asking aloud why I think there’s going to be some sort of trouble. I’m going to assume that anybody asking that in good faith possibly has not been paying attention to what the 46th president has done since he assumed office over three-and-a-half years ago, and you have missed all of the stories about a wide-open border in the south.

This story from Bonchie, posted over a year ago, chronicles some of the idiocy of the Biden policy — Democrats Are Trying to Rewrite History on the Border, but We Have the Receipts. From that post:

But while those three want to pretend to be tough on the border, and by proxy, tough on the Biden administration, the receipts exist showing that when push came to shove, they folded. As the following thread by Sen. Mike Lee explains, Sinema, Manchin, and Tester had the chance to do the right thing and force an amendment that would have fixed the Title 42 problem. That would have happened in the most recently passed omnibus bill…


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