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The “Real State of the Union and the World”

The “Real State of the Union and the World”.
By Eric A. Maas

More and more people are becoming aware that the “powers”, which are called the Deep State, are essentially just agents acting on behalf of the greater Global Cabal or “Hidden Hand.” This “Hidden Hand” has first and foremost a vicious desire to rule all of society with a lead hand and iron fist. It has already introduced a model, which is intended to thoroughly affect all the nations of the world. Just read UN Agenda 2030 and see how it reads. It is a 21st Century knock off of Marxist-Leninist philosophies on super-sonic steroids.

Presently, we hear from the gallery of the imbecilic elite and their minions, with their constant and acidic mantra; “there are too many people on earth which is depleting most of the world`s resources,” and through NGO`s tied directly into UN Agenda 21 and 2030, Planned Parenthood and other organizations like the Hastings Institute, (Promotes both voluntary and involuntary euthanasia for the sick, elderly, and the mentally impaired), which is located in Garrison NY, are currently having dialogues about depopulating the world and making suggestions how to do it. The Hastings Institute was headed for many years by the brother of Rohm Emanuel, Dr.Ezekiel Emanuel, who has been quoted as saying,” that when a person reaches an age where they are no longer useful in society, they should be eliminated” He even ponders with the idea of offing himself at the ripe old age of 75. Media outlets like Public Broadcasting networks which include National Public Radio and other mega-media outlets like; Britain’s BBC, and Japan’s NHK, often have an “expert “appearing on their broadcasts or news hour, speaking in a most caviler tone, stating imperatively, that the world must start curving the birthrate and reduce the global population at any costs or humanity will not survive past 2050. Then in the same draconian breath, they repeat the lie that the human footprint or carbon footprint is the ultimate cause of Global Warming along with Climate Change and that “drastic steps must be taken”. “Help me Greta! Help, help me, Greta!

I believe at this very moment in history, we have entered a period where a most radical change must and will take place, not only here in the USA, but within all the nations on earth. Each nation must be free to choose how they want to govern themselves without any interference whatsoever. No more “Global Cabal,” No more Deep State, No more “Hidden Hands”.
One thing is clear though, for this to happen, things must first start here in the United States of America. No matter what you hear from any publication or media outlet, or what the sycophants over at the UN are constantly rambling about, the world looks at the United States first and foremost for leadership in almost every endeavor of human activity.

Presently the US is in an extremely challenging and ominous position. She already has started to follow in the footsteps of South Africa, which in recent years has fallen deep within the communist trap. God forbid that becomes the way of our government. If indeed, the United States were to go that way, then the rest of the world would follow right into the claws of totalitarianism. Make no mistake about it, this is what the top elite has planned for us going forward. Therefore, it must be stopped immediately! The way I see it, the only way this could be stopped, the general public everywhere, need to boost their awareness and demand to have accurate and truthful information from all media sources, not the fake news or information whose aim is to manipulate people for a particular agenda. As the great author, researcher and conspiracy detective, David Icke says, and I paraphrase, “Information received, perception formed” Once the Cabal controls the whole narrative, I believe that it will be too late to recover from it. It must be STOPPED!

Zionism and the “Hidden Hand”

Most people in America believe that the US is protecting and supporting Israel. But that is not the case at all. The great Evil has a strong presence within the nation of Israel. This evil inside Israel has and is becoming more apparent each day. Fortunately, the good people of Israel, are, or have become weary of their government’s shenanigans and are not feeling the love! This great Evil has a title given by me, I call it; The Most Great Wolf, for wherever it goes, it`s paramount desire is to devour anything and everything that is in its way. Although the most common way it succeeds in devouring is through deception. I am talking about Zionism. There is no connection between the Zionist and the good people of Israel (

Zionists use most Israelis for their agenda and the agenda of their “parent company” Rothschild Inc. & Co. They are not real Jews. They do not follow the Torah but instead follow Satan`s book of evil. The Zionists, arrogant and powerful as they have become, must be blind to the fact that, in the end, they are just pawns of the final plan for total control of the planet. Those( The Global Cabal) who have been making most of the political, economic and social decisions for the world, and who sit on the top of the Pyramid, if allowed, that is to establish their goals of enslaving humanity, the Media, the Marxist-Leninists worldwide, the Mafias of the world, the Church of Rome and its hierarchy, the Leadership within the other religions globally, the major corporations and industrial cartels, the Entertainment moguls of the Hollywood Studios, the George Soros`s of the world, the Royal Families, especially in Britain, the various rogue intelligent services from around the world, , and last but not least, the Zionist will be discarded and deleted from the final equation of total world dominance. These arrogant institutions and ignorant buffoons will disappear within a blink of an eye. In other words, they will be extinguished 4EVER………………! The Hidden Hand will have at that point, as I will explain later, have no more need for the above corporations, institutions, governments, religions, or power-leader groups to come in between it and the peoples of the world. Another word, all the above will have worn out its usefulness.

Stalin put it so well, referring to his naïve helpers in the West, and I paraphrase; “The western communist is a useful idiot” referring then to the time of the Marxist nuts in NYC, where in fact, all communist propaganda was published and distributed to the rest of the country. Today the same idolatry exists as in Stalin`s time but in a much more extenuated way, in that, and most of the people buy right into the mainstream media`s propaganda. The mainstream media together with the people who are their victims (mainly the left-leaning ideologues and the blind followers of the right), play right into the “Hidden Hands playbook as “today`s useful idiots”. It is our hope and prayers that indeed many of the people I am referring to, will wake up and smell the death pangs that are getting more intense every passing hour. Alarmingly, there are just seconds left before the clock strikes midnight!

Infiltration of the Intelligence Services and Other Government, NGO and Financial Institutions


Many others, including myself, believe that within the different intelligent institutions such as the CIA, FBI, and NSA and the different branches of the military, good and bad people exist. The same goes for religions, nationalities and the various ethnic groups, corporations, and NGOs all around the world. The most immediate problem is that the “Hidden Hand” has and still lures many of the weak and immoral people who are working in various intelligent services including all the above mentioned. They (the Hidden Hand) have no trouble coaxing folks to their side to do their bidding. They do it sometimes with programs of subliminal persuasion such as MK Ultra but do it mostly through good ole bribery and greed.
Fear and the soulless greed for money is their modus operandi!

I use many names for this evil power such as; “Hidden Hand”, “Satanic Cabal “and the “Death Cult”. No matter which name you refer to, that evil power is responsible for the many wars and disasters over the last two centuries. They have caused millions and millions of innocent people to be killed during these wars. Yes, even the War Between the States (1861-1865) is their responsibility. Research shows that one can even go back to the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) to find the same source had funded both sides of those wars. (See the history of Rothschild`s and their financial assistance of both Napoleonic Wars and our Civil War).
The “Hidden Hand” also directly or indirectly was involved in the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Harrison, and Kennedy. Those three presidents decided to print money from the US Treasury, and not from a foreign-owned Central Bank (The Federal Reserves or Central banks of the World).
Years later in the early part of the 20th Century, their agents and puppet industrialists, help sneak in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. I continue below about this “Hidden Hand” and how it`s finance engine is fueled and driven by the Rothschild Family & Co.

Rothschild’s and the Banking Families

The Death Cult, as David Icke describes in so many of his talk and books, has over the many centuries, procured to perfection, the ability to take over the distribution of currency. Here in the early 21st Century, they have managed to do it on a worldwide basis. They now have the technology and financial power to fund anyone and or anything at any time. Therefore, they have the utmost ability to fund and create Black Ops (as in 911, the various mass shootings, and endless wars) anywhere, direct the decisions of almost any institutions and governments! They do this by paying off anyone who would be willing to go along with their dark plans, while the greedy unsuspecting fools gladly take the Devil`s money. In other words, all these fools, or moronic clods, have sold and or are willing to sell their souls to Ultimate Evil. Unfortunately, in today’s world, there are millions of souls who are most willing to do this and in doing so have truly replaced GOD with the love of money. There is hardly an afterthought to their actions. These soul-less people treat this physical plane of existence we are in as an endless marathon of party games. Curses be upon them!

In studying the last 205 years or so, one may discover that during the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, which primarily started in Europe right after the defeat of Napoléon, circa 1815, a certain group of very wealthy families in Europe, along with some very powerful secret societies, including those who were the founders of City of London( Rothschilds), became Europe’s financial powerhouse going from being unnoticed at its inception to having their ugly horns appear more and more in public view within the first decades of this present (The 21st Century) Internet or Digital age. It is important to remember that modern communication technology was just at its infancy at the beginning of the 20th Century, therefore, it was easy for these band of criminals to operate under the radar. By the end of the 19th century, many of these secret societies around the globe, especially in Europe, gathered inconspicuously and formed what I now describe as the Hidden Hand or Global Cartel. This group of super bandits is made up of banking families such as the Rothschilds, the Payseur’s, and the Schiffs, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Bronfman’s, and other obscure international power broker families.

Please refer to the link right below. This should help explain the power of these families and how they connect to the Federal Reserves of Europe and America (

The Deep State and Its method of Distraction

Today, the great majority of folks in the US still think or believe we are in a “capitalistic” or a democratically open society where free enterprise flows. Unfortunately, they cannot see the whole picture and do not understand the signs of a looming communist lockdown. They are too busy and too focused struggling day to day, keeping a roof over their heads. With that said, many of these struggling souls, are mesmerized with the world of business, politics, entertainment and sports along with the famous personalities who help make up those worlds. They view this life as a place where its main objective is to have fame or great wealth and if by good chance, one does reach such lofty heights, by their definition, your life has reached the goal of ultimate success. This is the loudest of what talks inside most people’s subconscious. It serves as a great distraction from what is really going on in front of them. It appears then, that the world in general, operates in, what I call, a constant hypnotic state of mind. Immediately from the very start of our lives, we have been subjects of a preconceived way of thinking which gets downloaded to our inner core, and essentially lasts the rest of our lives. This programming or mind control is the ultimate driving force in the way we go about our business. As the saying goes; “It`s what makes the world go around”. Therefore, with the above along with the mainstream media`s being a constant propaganda machine and a deliverer of manipulated news, the public, in general, is continually being led in the dark. This gives a tremendous advantage for the Deep State to go unchallenged with their dark and devious plans of the enslavement of the whole Human Race!

Communism, Marx, Engels, and Wealthy Bankers

The capitalist mode of production and its exploitation of the worker was introduced by Karl Marx, although going further into research suggests that Marx and or his writings, was a pawn for the elite banking families during the middle and later part of the 19th century. It is recorded that Marx was from a poor family and saw the working-class people constantly struggle without ever getting ahead, which made an everlasting impression on him. Ultimately it was the basis for all his beliefs in which he dedicated his entire life too. His father turned Lutheran to escape the oppression of the Jewish community by non-Jewish Germans, especially the religious ones. By the age of 24, Marx became an assistant professor in Law and Philosophy, then in 1842, he met Frederick Engels. Engels was also a Jew like Marx but instead of being from a poor family, he was from a wealthy family. That wealth was attributed to his father having a very successful business.
The idea of Communism replacing Capitalism was the hallmark of the collaboration of Marx and Engels. In 1848 they collaborated to write Das Kapital. It was Engels who financed Marx to do more research and continue writing second and third volumes. It has been written that around that time, prominent banking families like the Rothschilds grew fond of this assault on free enterprise`s most hallmark necessities; competition and private ownership. Marx went on to lecture and continue to extol the virtues of having the state control all private property and wealth’. After Marx died, Engels continue to edit and distribute Marx’s later works.

The term Communism usually is credited to Karl Marx, who in later years went on to develop in his writings and lectures a more evolved form of communism. These forms ended up being almost the exact same communism we saw last century and that exists today where communism is the governing tool of many a nation. It has been and still is argued, that Marx’s theories were backed big time by elite bankers such as the ‘Rothschilds’. This is not surprising if you consider the fact, that, in the early 20th Century, Trotsky, one of the founders of the Russian Revolution and a top figure in the world-wide Communist movement, was bankrolled by certain banking families of Europe and when he traveled to New York, he was wined and dined by Wall Street’s biggest and most powerful tycoons. During his extended stay in New York, he was afforded luxury housing, transportation, and the best entertainment the city had to offer. There is a story that he was once stopped by law enforcement while staying in New York in which he was found to have been carrying as much as One Hundred Thousand dollars. Certainly an extra-ordinate amount of money for that period of history (In today’s money that would be about $2.5 million US)

*Further research points to Engels helping these bankers keep their wealth by making sure Marx`s works were spread far throughout Europe and the American Continent. The goal would be that competition would be phased out and the state would control everything. The powerful banking families then saw a way to control and be the financial agents for the “state” and in turn, control all natural resources, eliminate all private property, prevent all competition of mercantilism, control all production of goods and services, and have full control over banking along with the flow of all its currency. *Read that again, it is important!
Today the Hidden Hand uses both capitalism and communism to trick people in thinking that there is a difference between the two. Capitalism is one part of the Cabal`s equation for total control, while communism is the other. In capitalism, monopolies and oligopolies develop and eventually evolve into cartels, which then gets absorbed into other cartels of other major industries. At that point, all is absorbed into the Global Cartel, who with having access to the world’s money, take full control. Compared to the world’s population, the Global Cartel is a very minute group of people (I believe they are only 12 Families also known as the “12” and I refer you to the HBO series “Killing Eve”), and that this very minute group of people, run the other side of the equation called communism, brilliantly controlling the equation from both sides (Thievery 102). In the countries of the world that use communism to govern, they, indeed, are financed and controlled by this Global Cabal. In other words, this Power of 12 which I referenced above, has full dominance over almost the entire world because THEY control the money. Take away the Cabal`s control of money and you have the first step in destroying the satanic hold that currently rules the entire world’s population. It may also be the first time that human slavery is eliminated on a worldwide basis!
Presently the US and the rest of the world, have entered into a brand new era! The downside is that it may be too late for any change to neutralize the wickedness of this satanic cabal. No matter how long the downside may last, if indeed, the United States of America’s people, fall under the banner of global communism or global totalitarianism, the entire world community, that is the average person worldwide, will follow into the hands of the above described Global Cabal. This cabal could be the actual “Great Satan “the different bibles refer to, and that its power may be unchallenged for a very, very long time. This could result in the majority of people in the world, being squeezed into one big Orwellian technocratic ghetto, where almost all of humanity would be chipped and interfaced into the Internet of all things, having A.I.(artificial intelligence) greatly influencing every thought and human reaction. How boring and dull, how horrifying! Meanwhile, the very few in control, will do as they please, never being required to obey or follow any of the laws of the land. For they will be the law. They will be free to do what they want when they want. Their thinking will be; “all existence is ours!”

That is until GOD gets fed up and destroys them quicker than the blinking of an eye. Let us not wait for that. We need to go on the offensive NOW!

The Conclusion

Turn you TV`s off from the mainstream channels. The news has more fables then “Alice and Wonderland”. The programming that exists in what you, your children, and eventually their children watch, is being targeting into the very core of the viewer’s subconscious. Remember, the enemy is decades ahead with their technologies! That includes a ton of destructive technologies. Fortunately for the good souls of this world, the great enemy is void of a most powerful weapon; Spirituality. You can bet that the enemy will continue to repel the power of Good (Love), for they can only feed off each other’s darkness and cannot exist within the realms of light!
Today, as I write, we have entered that greatly anticipated event, the most Great Battle (Armageddon) between the powers of Good and Evil. Yes, WW3 has begun and it will only end victoriously for humanity when it wakes up to its inherent spiritual powers, powers that continually are given to us by the CREATOR of all things.
• My challenge to anyone reading this is DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! Most importantly, is the need for all of us to realize that through our positive thoughts in prayer, intent, and volition, this evil enemy as described throughout the above paragraphs, will be eliminated for good and will seize to exist in any way shape or form.

Within existence, there is the spectrum of power which varies from good to evil. There is no Satan, just free choice or free will, another words; the choice of attracting and serving the power of a good or the weakness of evil.

Think Big, Think Possibility, Think Justice, Think Love, Think Divine!

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