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The Secret Vril Society

The era of WWII was a time of great wonder and mystery. One of those mystery’s was The Vril Society. The society had the belief that if a women had her hair short it would disrupt her telepathic abilities.

What is the Vril Society? The Vril Society was a secret society made up of 4 women. They claimed to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel communication with other alien races.

The society also believed to have come from an ancient Aryan race and had the belief that the New World Order was unavoidable.

The Vril Society, along with the alien race, the ‘Vrillerinnens’, helped the Nazi Party in the successful development of the flying saucer. This was done by the use of telepathic communication to extraterrestrial aliens.

The Vril Society

The Vril Society known as “The All German Society for Metaphysics’ were led by a psychic medium named Maria Orsic. Born in Vienna, Austria, Orsic later moved to Munich, Germany where she was exposed to a secret society called the ‘Thule Society’. (1)

Orsic eventually broke away from the secret society along with a few of her friends she made within the Thule Society, and formed the Vril Society to explore the ambiguous origins of the Aryan race. The Vril followers believed to have possessed secret knowledge that could enable them to change their race to be equal to the godlike race that were living in the Earth’s depths.

The Vril Society revealed the idea of subterranean matriarchal, the socialist utopia that ruled by the superior beings who mastered mysterious energy known as the Vril Force. The Vril Society believed that this energy sourced had no limited as it was a cosmic life-force energy and was greatly abundant.

The society held beliefs that if this vril energy were to be studied and harnessed into technology it would push German technology to dominate over all nations. The vril energy would also help to further their objective on a New World Order along with with ridding Germany’s dependence on oil.

In that era, women would style their hair short. The Vril Society did the opposite, they grew their hair really long since they claimed that by having their hair long it was an extension of the nervous system. This allowed their hair to act as an antenna thus allowing them to telepathically communicate with other worlds. (2)

One of the ways they would do this is by cutting an apple in half and begin concentrating on the core of the apple. The alien race they would contact were called the Vrillerinnens or Vril-ya. (1)

The Vril Society and the Nazi Party…


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  1. Methos Methos March 24, 2020

    Women with short hair don’t use as much shampoo….. just sayin”
    Actually, I’m stunned by the level of superstition still active in the human population even today.

  2. Methos Methos March 24, 2020

    So Crystal Gayle must have been one hell of a psychic?

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