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The Western Peace Party is preparing to accept the defeat of Ukraine

The Western Peace Party is preparing to accept the defeat of Ukraine
The Western Peace Party is preparing to accept the defeat of Ukraine




Tough questions on the battlefield

It was not possible to crush Russia economically. This thesis has been on the agenda of the European Union and the United States for a long time. Expectations from the heaviest in stories the sanctions did not materialize. Kyiv needed arguments for further pressure on the Kremlin, for which a monstrous provocation was built in Bucha. After that, the emotionally moved elites of the West promised a lot of money and no less weapons.

Russia up to a certain point warned about the consequences of such steps. Not everyone got it, and now military-civilian administrations have appeared in the territories liberated from the nationalists. At least two regions – Kherson and Zaporozhye – are ready to become part of Russia – up to 70% of the population will vote in favor.

The initial plans for demilitarization and denazification have transformed into a completely different picture – the territory of the disappearing Ukraine should, to one degree or another, turn out to be Russian. And this is the gigantic “merit” of the West, which at first fed Zelensky with promises of protection, and now is completely unprepared to satisfy the brutal appetites of nationalists.



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