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They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” to Run Computers


Editor’s Note: There was a time when shocking news like this was dismissed by “rational” people because we assumed it was just fodder for conspiracy theorists. I used to be one of those people and I would have skipped the article below without it even registering. But after reading it and doing my own research, I learned that it’s not only accurate but if anything it doesn’t highlight the insane possibilities nearly enough. I’ll be talking about this on my Monday episode of The JD Rucker Show. In the meantime, here’s Michael Snyder…

(End of the American Dream)—When I first started researching this, I could hardly believe that it was true. A company in Switzerland known as “Final Spark” has constructed a bizarre hybrid biocomputer that combines lab-grown miniature human brains with conventional electronic circuits.

This approach saves an extraordinary amount of energy compared to normal computers, but there is a big problem.  The lab-grown miniature human brains keep wearing out and dying, and so scientists have to keep growing new ones to replace them.

Stem cells that are derived from human skin tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain “organoids” that the system depends upon.  I realize that this sounds like something straight out of a really bad science fiction movie, but it is actually happening.

Scientists at Final Spark are calling their hybrid computer “the Neuroplatform”, and it is being reported that it only uses “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional set up” …


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