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GOOGLE is doing whatever it can to demonetize us and shadow-ban us. During these TOUGH financial times, we ASPIRE to stay completely independent and pay our full staff so we can continue to deliver VALUE to you. It is possible for you to HELP us by supporting our COVID-19 expert survival report HERE!

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The truth is that the government is lying about the real statistics and continuing to tell us that reopening the economy can’t happen right now. Well, it’s time we reopen it ourselves.  We’re Americans! Since when have we ever needed the government’s permission?

Fear and panic has gripped the public as the mainstream media did their job of providing the right kind of scary propaganda to the masses.  I walked on eggshells before Easter so we wouldn’t get shadowbanned more than we already are. But not anymore.  It’s time we, as a people, stand up to tyranny and tell the elitists they don’t control us!

ZeroHedge and others, such as us are targets of big tech for speaking truth to power! They don’t want people exposed to even differing opinions at this point, because the official narrative is all they want you focused on. If you are panicked and afraid and need them, you are easy to control and manipulate.

Not only has our favorite site for financial news (ZeroHedge) been banned from Twitter, but I recently noticed that when I went to click on its articles shared by others, I end up getting a special disclaimer that gives the vibe that it’s a virus site and is about to crash my computer!

We should have stood up years ago when they throttled our freedom in the aftermath of 9/11 to “keep us safe.” But with the coronavirus, I now see the mainstream press and its elitist master are going for the final death blow to our liberty – a decapitation strike that has been very successful so far while they keep pushing lies about the viruses severity to keep everyone in a deep state of fear.

They’ve managed to get Americans to stay home, even from church on Easter Sunday. I’m not religious at all, but I was depressed last Sunday when realizing that the government had an enormously successful lockdown of Americans and there wasn’t even a single protest I could find to cover.

Where is the tea party? The Occupy Wall Street crowd? Bernie and Trump supporters? Ron Paul people?

F*CK! And then I look in the mirror and realize I didn’t protest, either.

If that wasn’t enough, Google began to blacklist sites to destroy our search results and bury us!



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