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Thread by @susanbrabtree – My latest compilation of reporting…

By Susan Crabtree


My latest compilation of reporting: GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Assassination Attempt | RealClearPolitics…

🚨New info from a source in the Secret Service community — Trump’s usual protective Secret Service detail was worked so hard (working 7 days a week with no days off) that many of agents assigned Saturday were temporary replacements from different field offices.

This is not the usual protocol for sitting presidents and vice presidents but “typical” for former presidents, (although no former presidents have run again in modern history.)

“Trump has a permanent detail, however it’s much smaller in the amount of bodies,” the source said. “His detail has been worked so hard with all the travel that they’re working 7 days a week with shift changes. so HQ sends in temp agents to supplement – not a good scenario. Mission Failure, IMHO.” 

🚨 (cont.) I’m told the only permanent agent from trump’s detail during the rally was SAIC (Special Agent In Charge) Kern, two sources within the Secret Service community told me. All others were temps. Pittsburgh USSS Field Office had a Jill Biden visit and designated a lot of resources to her, the source said. Also – the advance work only occurred one-day beforehand bc of a lack of resources…


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