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To the doctors and other medical professionals claiming they thought AstraZeneca’s experimental viral vector ‘vaccine’ was safe and effective, this is what we knew about this company even before you recommended or administered its injections to UK citizens. So why didn’t you?

  The AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ was developed in 2020 by the Oxford Vaccine Group, whose Director, Professor Andrew Pollard, is also Chair of the Joint Committee…

Insane Seth Rogen Tweets: A Thread đŸ§” Hollywood Comedian and famous stoner Seth Rogen is a pretty outspoken and unhinged guy on Twitter…

By ɖʀʊӄքǟ Ó„ÊŠŐŒÊŸÉ›Ê 🇧đŸ‡čđŸ‡čđŸ‡©   Insane Seth Rogen Tweets: A Thread đŸ§” Hollywood Comedian and famous stoner Seth Rogen is a pretty outspoken and unhinged…

A short thread about what is perhaps the most successful cyber attack in the history of any nation state conducted by a group called “Belarusian Cyber-partisans”. Last month they hacked the servers of Belarusian police and the Interior Ministry.

By Tadeusz Giczan First they’ve downloaded the entire “АИС ĐŸĐ°ŃĐżĐŸŃ€Ń‚â€ database which contains all personal details of every Belarusian citizen including passport photos, home address,…

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