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Too Many FLOODS after DAZZLING AURORAS made by HAARP Hard Geoengineering


Dangerous Tests Funded in Alaska by US NSF. As Solar project in EU.

«Space weather processes, driven in complicated ways by activity on the sun, can adversely affect our infrastructure in space and on the ground. This project funds the use of the HAARP facility in Alaska for space science experiments that can help us understand space weather dynamics. Specifically, the project seeks to understand how some radio waves launched into space come back stronger after they are amplified by energetic particles. The HAARP facility in Alaska is a unique research facility and the only one worldwide to perform such experiments. This project will support undergraduate and graduate students learning about space sciences and traveling to Alaska to perform pioneering experiments. High school students will also be involved in building hardware to conduct field experiments. The project promotes the progress of science in key areas of national interest and supports education and diversity in science and engineering fields».

This is what we read in the Abstract of a project from the University of Colorado at Denver financed by the National Science Foundation, a federal government agency of the USA which is the scientific counterpart of the National Health Institute, used by the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci to conduct experiments on laboratory-modified coronaviruses from which the SARS-Cov-2 of the Covid-19 pandemic arose.

Cloudbursts after the Red Auroras Created by HAARP in Alaska

Two months after the last appearance of the northern red auroras artificially created by the HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Program) structure supported by the NSF in Gakona, Alaska, despite an official denial comparable to the first shameful denials on the laboratory virus, the storms in Europe and in Italy they don’t stop.

Is there a correlation between the electromagnetic geoengineering experiments in the ionosphere conducted by HAARP thanks to funding from the American government and these torrential rains that have been decimating the Old Continent for about two months but have also hit the USA in the days following the tests?

This question cannot be answered because scientists themselves do not have the slightest idea of ​​the consequences that a bombardment of high frequency waves on the atmosphere can cause. The danger, however, is confirmed by the creation in the European Union of a specific body to control atmospheric experiments.

The Alarm on Changing Solar Radiation in the EU

«The Co-CREATE consortium will investigate the governance principles and guidelines for responsible Solar Radiation Modification research. While Solar Radiation Modification research holds potential for addressing the climate crisis, it also poses major risks and is highly speculative. CMCC, along with other European partners, will develop decision-support tools and conduct governance analysis on this contentious set of technologies» we read on the official website of the new body called in Italy the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change Foundation…


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