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U.S., Ukraine Sign 10-Year Security Agreement, G7 Gives Kyiv $50B Loan

By James Meyers


The United States and Ukraine signed off Thursday on a 10-year security agreement, with the leaders of the Group of Seven nations pledging to arrange a $50 billion loan to Ukraine as well. 

The security deal, which was signed by President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ahead of a joint news conference on the sidelines of the annual G7 summit in southern Italy, will boost weapons-production cooperation, provide other military assistance, and increase intelligence sharing.

Additionally, the agreement also commits the Pentagon to another 10 years of training Ukraine’s military forces.

“A lasting peace for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine’s own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression anytime in the future,” Biden said. “The United States is going to help ensure that Ukraine can do both – not by sending American troops to fight Ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition; expanding intelligence sharing; continuing to train brave Ukrainian troops at bases in Europe and the United States; enhancing interoperability between our militaries in line with NATO standards; and investing in Ukraine’s defense industrial base.”

The U.S. also announced a new military aid package for Kyiv valued at $225 million, which includes “air-defense interceptors; artillery systems and munitions; armored vehicles; and anti-tank weapons,” according to the White House.

Funding for the package will come out of the $60 billion Congress allocated to Ukraine defense spending as part of a supplemental funding bill approved in April.

Furthermore, the U.S. is also expected to announce that it is sending Kyiv a second Patriot missile system, which Zelensky has claimed is critical to their defense against Russian air and missile strikes on civilian infrastructure…


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