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Voters in districts Trump won in 2016 are beginning to TURN on Democrats who support impeachment (Video)

And while an actual inquiry has not yet begun, because Democrats have a genetic inability to be honest with voters they are now reaping what they have sown with voters back home.

In districts President Trump won in 2016 but are nevertheless represented by a Garbage Party politician, those lawmakers are now faced with a growing backlash from voters who are calling ‘bullshit’ on the quest for impeachment.

Voters know that Trump hasn’t done a damned thing wrong, but he’s done a lot of things right. He’s grown our economy, expanded opportunities for all Americans, lowered unemployment to historic levels for all demographics, and restored our superpower status around the world as he pushes for new deals and agreements that enrich our country and make the world safer.

Voters also know that the only reason why Trump hasn’t accomplished more of what he promised in 2016 is because he is being stymied every single day by Garbage Party douchebags who don’t give a rat’s ass about the American people.

They want to impeach the president over fake allegations that he ‘solicited foreign governments for dirt’ on his political opponent, Joe Biden, when Democrats know goddamned good and well it Bitch Hillary and her sycophant supporters at the DNC and inside Barack Obama’s deep state who did that shit to Trump.


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